

Golden State Warriors


  • 英文名:Golden State Warriors
  • 城市:奥克兰
  • 球场:甲骨文球馆
  • 成立时间:1946年
  • 教练:马克·杰克逊


      勇士原来在费城,1962年才搬到旧金山,随后又来到奥克兰,更名为金州勇士。由于近年战绩不佳,勇士队几乎已经被人遗忘,但他们却是最早加盟NBA的11支球队之一;在NBA历史上,曾三次夺过总冠军,NBA的第一次总冠军得主就是勇士队(那时叫BAA);NBA单场最高分纪录保持者张伯伦就是在勇士队拿下100分的。   70年代开始,勇士队连续8年进季后寒。1974-75赛季


  • 楼主

    勇士总经理迈尔斯的离任,NBA的一些人对勇士的近期的前景不太确定 [风车]1,“我同情他们,尽管我不应如此” [风车]2,勇士近期前景“令人不安”,表示迈尔斯是“基石”,“几乎不可能”被取代 [风车]3,“拉克布有很重要的决定要做。过去他做得很棒,但现在可能是他和合伙人买下勇士以来,最具挑战性的时刻”“如果做出正确的决定,一切迎刃而解。……如果没有,可能一切会崩塌。” 迈尔斯是桥梁建设者 粗略翻译,以下是原文 Observers around the NBA, including some operating out of Chase Center, are much less certain about Golden State’s immediate future. “I feel for them – even though I shouldn’t,” one source said Wednesday. Another source, unaffiliated with an NBA team, on Thursday described Golden State’s immediate future as “troubling,” describing Myers as a “rock” that will be “almost impossible” to replace. “Joe Lacob,” said a third source, referring to the team’s CEO, “has some big decisions to make. He’s done pretty well in the past, but this is probably the most challenging time since he and his partners bought the team. “If he makes the right decision, it’ll work out. They’ll be good for at least another few years. If not, the whole thing could collapse.” Myers’ departure is a massive blow, as he was the most proficient bridge-builder in a building that needs mediators and those with a gift for diplomacy. When Lacob’s emotions run even higher than normal, Myers can somehow assuage The Gov. When Kerr is stewing for any number of reasons, Myers can steer the coach back toward tranquility. When Draymond Green overheats and gallops off the reservation, no one soothes better than Myers.#总决赛大预言家##季后赛大预言家##老詹会去独行侠和东欧组三巨头吗?#

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