

2017/10/15 5:36:19 sports8.net 互联网


KhreisAhmed(国米球迷)#国际苏宁 大时代来临!(The #InterSuning era has begun!)

Gen1908(国米球迷)欢迎苏宁,新时代就要来了,激动!(welcome suning, excited about this new era)

Kingwhocares(国米球迷)特谢拉租借国米基本定了。(Teixeira to Inter on loan confirmed.)

PavelDybala11(尤文球迷)祝贺苏宁米兰!(congratulations suning milano)

Jayden1204(国米球迷)我仅代表我个人,欢迎来自中国的巨富!(I, for one, welcome our new chinese overlords)

Cerozz(国米球迷)希望国米的市场能够扩大到中国,如果我们能够再建一座新球场那就更好了,会给我们带来更多的收入。在转会市场上,由于欧足联财政公平法案的限制,我们这个夏天也许不会花太多钱,但在签了新合同之后,明年一定会大有动作。至于赞助商,不知道我们是否会继续和倍耐力合作,据报道,如果有新的赞助商愿意入主,我们是可以和倍耐力和平分手的。(Lets hope we can expand our market to China. Also would be nice if we got things moving regarding the stadium, either buying it or building a new one, would be a huge increase in income. As far as players go, we won't have a buying spree this summer, we still have too abide to FPP, but next year we will sign a new contract regarding FPP which will allow us to be more free in the transfer window. It will be interesting to see if we stick with Pirelli or we get a more profitable sponsorship. There have been reports that a clause was inserted allowing Inter and Pirelli part ways in case we get new ownership.)

Torehe(米兰球迷)希望米兰双雄都能重回往日的荣光。现在罗马和那不勒斯在欧洲赛场上的表现也不如人意,我们要一起打败尤文的霸主地位。(Hoping both Milan and Inter comes back strong. Currently Roma and Napoli are a disgrace in europe. And to end Juve's domina0nce.)

Filipio_要想让国米冲回欧冠,唯一的希望就是依靠来自中国的电商巨人了!(Per riportare l' Inter in Champions,l'unica speranza è affidarsi a un gigante asiatico dell'elettronica)



unfair_play:有了中国财团的支持,曼奇尼可以更加肆无忌惮地xjb买人了。(L'arrivo dei cinesi apre nuove possibilità per l'Inter: coi loro soldi Mancini potrà sbagliare molti più acquisti.)

etnedir:看来国米的队徽马上就要换成……(Pronto il nuovo logo dell)


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