

2017/10/15 13:48:42 sports8.net 互联网




envague(曼联球迷):齐达内只用了72分钟,就做到了爵爷、穆帅、安帅和贝尼特斯做不到的事情——让C罗滑铲防守。(72 minutes into his coaching career and Zidane achieved something Fergie, Mourinho, Ancelotti and Benitez couldn't combined - a Cristiano Ronaldo slide tackle.)

RedAnonym(皇马球迷):希望齐达内在皇马的未来能和他的脑门一样锃光瓦亮。(Hopefully Zidane's future at Real Madrid is as bright as his head.)

HippoBigga(巴萨球迷):已经和之前的皇马完全不同了。贝大师走的第一周,想他。(A completely different Madrid, Rafa I miss you already.)

abouchedid(皇马球迷): 穿西装,口香糖,433,攻势强。齐达内=安切洛蒂,证毕。(Zidane this game: Suit, Chewing Gum, Playing a 4-3-3, Fun Offensive Football. Zidane = Ancelotti Comfirmed)

little_legz(皇马球迷):伙计们看见没?中场,中场!我们有中场了!(Lads we have a midfield)

mrc96(中立球迷): 卡瓦哈尔和达尼洛真是天差地别。感受大胡子的愤怒吧!(Having Carvajal in instead of Danilo has already made a huge difference. Fear the beard)

envague(曼联球迷):齐达内的赛前动员:“伙计们,一会开场了先穿个裆,再来几个马赛回旋,然后开上帝视角传一脚弧线球,最后接传中头球破门就行了。这也没什么难的嘛。”(Zidane's pre-match talk: "All right lads, I want you to start the match with a nutmeg, a couple roulettes, a pinpoint pass to the wing and then head in the cross for a goal.")

Kluey(多伦多球迷):“要是实在不行的话也别担心,打不开局面的话我就换自己上了。”("and by the way, if we're in trouble I'm bringing myself on so don't worry")


Micste(巴萨球迷):梅西通过穿裆来虹吸其他人的能力,导致苏亚雷斯连吐三饼。(Messi siphons one's football abilities by nutmegging them. That's why Suarez missed three sitters recently.)

Mantis300(墨西哥球迷):苏牙这是唤醒了内心的穆尼尔。(Suarez channeling his inner Munir)

This-Is-MyUsername(曼联球迷):梅西这种过人动作还真是少见啊哈哈。(Weird to see Messi with that trick haha.)


STL47(皇马球迷):看齐祖来了打个招呼?(Maybe say hello to Zizou?)

wawin(巴萨球迷): 看图兰踢球让我想到了德科。聪明又有风格,防守的时候也很有侵略性。(Arda Turan's style of play reminds me a bit of Deco. Smart, stylish and aggressive when off the ball)

sutro19(巴萨球迷):只要不扔鞋,别的都好说。(As long as he doesnt throw shoes i'm ok with his playstyle.)


Pigisdeado(阿森纳球迷): 厄祖终于轮休了,上轮踢纽卡我感觉他都快挂了。(It's about time Ozil got rested, poor lad looked like he was gonna die against Newcastle a week ago.)

Friedgold1(阿森纳球迷):于是贝莱林开启了厄齐尔模式。(Bellerin channeling his inner Ozil today)

punerisaiyan(曼联球迷):20年过去了,温格治下的阿森纳从未在足总杯第三轮被淘汰过。(Arsenal have never lost a third round tie with Arsene Wenger as manager, progressing from all 20 ties)

14Deadsouls(阿森纳球迷):终于不是和4有关的段子了。(Thank god it's not a stat about something 4th.)


mhaydar(曼联球迷):显然,我们的比赛这么无聊和对手的防守是………………完全没有关系的!小学生来了也能防死你魔。(It's clear that the quality of the opposing defence doesn't matter at all, this boring bullshit is all our own doing and kids can defend against it.)

wutwatwhat(中立球迷):埃弗顿那边有只小猫跑进球场里了。(There was a cat on the pitch in the Everton game.)

VerifiedMod(中立球迷):是吗!这可比曼联的比赛有意思多了!(now that's more exciting than this whole match)

punerisaiyan(曼联球迷):老特拉福德过去十场比赛的半场比分:没脸说了自己看吧。(Last 10 first-halfs at Old Trafford: 0-0, 0-0, 0-0, 0-0, 0-0, 0-0, 0-1, 0-0, 0-0, 0-0.)

hennny(曼联球迷):莱斯特城现在有比赛吗?或者我还能看点啥别的东西?(Is there a Leicester game or something anywhere we can watch instead?)

TheBestUtdOwnerEver(曼联球迷):想了想,我还是去看一发球色怡人吧。(Think im just going to have a wank instead)


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