Sonnydabaus(曼城球迷):我仍记得父亲常对我说,某某教练在年轻时的球员时期是多么的伟大,但这些我都没有亲眼看到过。但现在,我终于体会到这种感觉了。(I remember when my dad would tell me about how X coach was an amazing player back in his day, but I didn’t see them playing. Now we're getting there.)
Usedpresident(皇马球迷):嗯,这是皇马在冬窗签下的一笔重要引援,以后即使J罗不上场,咱也不用担心中场硬度了。(It’ a great sign in this window, we could have a strong midfield even if James were not on pitch.)
PandaWrestler(阿森纳球迷):有的时候,教练会因为战绩不佳而被解雇;而有些球队会因为巴塞罗那表现太好而解雇自己的教练。(Managers are usually sacked because of poor performance, but in certain club it happened just because of Barca’s good performance.)
Seithin(巴萨球迷):贝大湿在皇马总共执教了25场比赛,取得了17场胜利,胜率高达68%,放眼欧洲主流联赛,本赛季这个成率妥妥的至少能进前五。(Rafael Benitez was only in charge for 25 matches Real Madrid and won 17 of them, winning percentage is 68%, at least top 5 this season in mainstream leagues in Europe.)
SeryaphFR(皇马球迷):呵呵,你是巴萨球迷所以你才这么说,虐菜那种赢球真不是我们想要的。这赛季巴萨好几次犯错,可我们都没能在随后赢球,白白浪费追赶的机会…这赛季有点强度的比赛,比如面对瓦伦西亚、塞维利亚、巴塞罗那、大巴黎、马德里竞技以及比利亚雷亚尔的比赛,我们实在输得太多了…(Interesting…you say that because you are a Barca fan. Games where we win against smaller teams don't really mean much. We should be thinking about all the times Barcelona has given us the chance and we failed to capitalize. The game against Valencia, Seville, el Classico, PSG, Atletico, Villarreal? The games we needed to win we lost.)
Miwanik(曼联球迷):内维尔真牛逼,刚去西班牙一个月,就让贝尼特斯下课了。(Neville has done his job. 4 weeks in Spain and he's gotten Rafa sacked)
thatDani(曼城球迷):想让球迷们忘记一名传奇的好?很简单,让他回来当教练就对了。(The quickest way for the fans to forget the greatness of a former player is to appoint them manager.)
Kluey(多伦多球迷):我知道大家都喜欢齐达内,但是教练生涯刚开始就执教皇马?这不是作死嘛!(Real Madrid as your first managing job? I understand that they love Zidane there but that's career suicide.)
Alejpaz(皇马球迷):三分诚可贵,榜首价更高。若为真爱故,二者皆可抛。( Dropping points when Barca drop points is our specialty.)
BHButcher (利物浦球迷):不是巴萨无能,而是贝大湿太狡猾…保贝计划只能靠上帝了…(Rafael didn’t seize the chances Barca gave every time…God bless him.)
OrlMagicfan1334(曼联球迷):赏君比赛七分钟,胜我红魔赛季整。(Watched 7 minutes and it had more excitement than Man U this whole season.)
Vagabond21(洛杉矶银河球迷):我很想听听大嘴内维尔怎么在天空体育评价这场比赛,尤其是对裁判的看法。(I want Neville to analyze the game tomorrow on MNF, especially towards the referee.)
Elonaviscaelbarcaa(巴萨球迷):西甲裁判真是一年不如一年,咱别误会,他们不是针对皇马或者巴萨,他们是就是想说,所有的公平竞赛都是垃圾。(The refereeing gets worse year by year, I swear. They are not aiming at Barca or Real, they are just denying the fair play.)
ChedduhBob(皇马球迷):活了这么久,终于见到咱两队球迷在裁判问题上看法一致的时候了…(Hardly to see we have the same opinions on the referees.)
Sandbag(巴萨球迷):告诉你个秘密哦,现在转会禁令解除了,我萨各梯队一口气签下了77名球员…(To tell you a secret that now that Barcelona's transfer ban is over, they registered 77 new players, all over different Barcelona teams.)
JurijFedorov (巴萨球迷):我还纳闷为啥阿莱士-比达尔不选择2号球衣,直到我发现这个号码竟然属于道格拉斯…说实话我还没看过他上场比赛呢…(I was wondering why Vidal didn’t choose the number 2 until I found that number belonging to Douglas…Actually I haven’t seen him playing a single match.)
Kuido(阿森纳球迷):那你可真不是巴萨的真爱粉,就连我这个厂蜜都看过维尔马伦在巴萨的两场比赛,而且还特么看见了他的进球…(You are not a real Barca fan. I have watched Vermaelen’s two games in Barca and even witnessed a f**king goal.)
Ninjaguz(拜仁球迷):嘿伙计,你看过迪亚比在你厂的进球吗?(Hey bro, have you ever seen Diaby’s goal in Asenal?)
sonerudam (热刺球迷):我来预测,本赛季末切尔西和莱斯特城将在争夺第七名的争斗中大打出手。(Prediction: Leicester and Chelsea finish the season fighting for 7th.)
Brothainarmz(西汉姆联球迷):争冠球队岂是保级球队能够相比的?(Top team shouldn’t be compared with the one near the delegation.)
Griffin852(莱斯特城球迷):切尔西在今年的进球数比巴萨、皇马和拜仁加在一起的总和还要多哦!(Chelsea has more goals than the sum of Barca, Real and Bayern this year.)
Miserable(切尔西球迷):我扎球王新年进球数也和梅球王一样多哦:)…(And Hazard’s goal is equal to Messi this year too:)
上一篇: 正式签约!马晟加盟巴西球队
下一篇: 再续前缘?雷米可能重返纽卡
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