CNN节目表    【CC体育吧】 【手机/PAD观看】

00:00World Sport 12:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport
00:30Inside Africa 13:00CNN Newsroom
01:00Special:TBD 13:30CNN Newsroom
01:30African Voices Changemakers 14:00CNN Newsroom
02:00CNN Newsroom 14:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport
02:30CNN Newsroom 15:00CNN Newsroom
03:00CNN Newsroom 15:30CNN Newsroom
03:30CNN Newsroom 16:00CNN Newsroom
04:00CNN Newsroom 16:30CNN Newsroom
04:30CNN Newsroom 17:00Early Start
05:00World Sport 17:30Early Start
05:30Special:TBD 18:00New Day
06:00CNN Newsroom 18:30New Day
06:30CNN Newsroom 19:00New Day
07:00CNN Newsroom 19:30New Day
07:30CNN Newsroom 20:00New Day
08:00CNN Newsroom 20:30World Sport
08:30CNN Newsroom 21:00First Move
09:00Fareed Zakaria GPS 21:30First Move
09:30Fareed Zakaria GPS 22:00Connect the World
10:00Inside Africa 22:30Connect the World/World Sport
10:30Marketplace Africa 23:00Connect the World
11:30African Voices Changemakers 
12:00CNN Newsroom 
12:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport 
00:00One World:Inside Politics 12:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport
00:30One World/Marketplace Africa 13:00CNN Newsroom
01:00Amanpour 13:30CNN Newsroom
01:30Amanpour 14:00CNN Newsroom
02:00Hala Gorani Tonight 14:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport
02:30Hala Gorani Tonight 15:00CNN Newsroom
03:00Quest Means Business 15:30CNN Newsroom
03:30Quest Means Business 16:00CNN Newsroom
04:00The Lead 16:30CNN Newsroom
04:30The Lead 17:00Early Start
05:00The Lead 17:30Early Start
05:30The Lead 18:00New Day
06:00The Situation Room 18:30New Day
06:30The Situation Room 19:00New Day
07:00Erin Burnett OutFront 19:30New Day
07:30Erin Burnett OutFront 20:00New Day
08:00Anderson Cooper 360 20:30World Sport
08:30Anderson Cooper 360 21:00First Move
09:00Cuomo Prime Time 21:30First Move
09:30Cuomo Prime Time 22:00Connect the World
10:00Don Lemon Tonight 22:30Connect the World/World Sport
10:30Don Lemon Tonight 23:00Connect the World
11:00Don Lemon Tonight 
11:30Don Lemon Tonight 
12:00CNN Newsroom 
12:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport 
00:00One World:Inside Politics 12:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport  
00:30One World/Program 13:00CNN Newsroom  
01:00Amanpour   13:30CNN Newsroom  
01:30Amanpour   14:00CNN Newsroom  
02:00Hala Gorani Tonight   14:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport  
02:30Hala Gorani Tonight   15:00CNN Newsroom  
03:00Quest Means Business   15:30CNN Newsroom  
03:30Quest Means Business   16:00CNN Newsroom  
04:00The Lead   16:30CNN Newsroom  
04:30The Lead   17:00Early Start  
05:00The Lead   17:30Early Start  
05:30The Lead   18:00New Day  
06:00The Situation Room   18:30New Day  
06:30The Situation Room   19:00New Day  
07:00Erin Burnett OutFront   19:30New Day  
07:30Erin Burnett OutFront   20:00New Day  
08:00Anderson Cooper 360   20:30World Sport  
08:30Anderson Cooper 360   21:00First Move  
09:00Cuomo Prime Time   21:30First Move  
09:30Cuomo Prime Time   22:00Connect the World  
10:00Don Lemon Tonight   22:30Connect the World/World Sport  
10:30Don Lemon Tonight   23:00Connect the World  
11:00Don Lemon Tonight   
11:30Don Lemon Tonight   
12:00CNN Newsroom   
12:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport   
00:00One World:Inside Politics   12:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport  
00:30One World/Program   13:00CNN Newsroom  
01:00Amanpour   13:30CNN Newsroom  
01:30Amanpour   14:00CNN Newsroom  
02:00Hala Gorani Tonight   14:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport  
02:30Hala Gorani Tonight   15:00CNN Newsroom  
03:00Quest Means Business   15:30CNN Newsroom  
03:30Quest Means Business   16:00CNN Newsroom  
04:00The Lead   16:30CNN Newsroom  
04:30The Lead   17:00Early Start  
05:00The Lead   17:30Early Start  
05:30The Lead   18:00New Day  
06:00The Situation Room   18:30New Day  
06:30The Situation Room   19:00New Day  
07:00Erin Burnett OutFront   19:30New Day  
07:30Erin Burnett OutFront   20:00New Day  
08:00Anderson Cooper 360   20:30World Sport  
08:30Anderson Cooper 360   21:00First Move  
09:00Cuomo Prime Time   21:30First Move  
09:30Cuomo Prime Time   22:00Connect the World  
10:00Don Lemon Tonight   22:30Connect the World/World Sport  
10:30Don Lemon Tonight   23:00Connect the World  
11:00Don Lemon Tonight   
11:30Don Lemon Tonight   
12:00CNN Newsroom   
12:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport   
00:00One World:Inside Politics   12:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport  
00:30One World/Inside Africa   13:00CNN Newsroom  
01:00Amanpour   13:30CNN Newsroom  
01:30Amanpour   14:00CNN Newsroom  
02:00Hala Gorani Tonight   14:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport  
02:30Hala Gorani Tonight   15:00CNN Newsroom  
03:00Quest Means Business   15:30CNN Newsroom  
03:30Quest Means Business   16:00CNN Newsroom  
04:00The Lead   16:30CNN Newsroom  
04:30The Lead   17:00Early Start  
05:00The Lead   17:30Early Start  
05:30The Lead   18:00New Day  
06:00The Situation Room   18:30New Day  
06:30The Situation Room   19:00New Day  
07:00Erin Burnett OutFront   19:30New Day  
07:30Erin Burnett OutFront   20:00New Day  
08:00Anderson Cooper 360   20:30World Sport  
08:30Anderson Cooper 360   21:00First Move  
09:00Cuomo Prime Time   21:30First Move  
09:30Cuomo Prime Time   22:00Connect the World  
10:00Don Lemon Tonight   22:30Connect the World/World Sport  
10:30Don Lemon Tonight   23:00Connect the World  
11:00Don Lemon Tonight   
11:30Don Lemon Tonight   
12:00CNN Newsroom   
12:30CNN Newsroom/World Sport   
00:00One World:Inside Politics   12:30Inside Africa  
00:30One World/Inside Africa   13:00Special:TBD  
01:00Amanpour   13:30Special:TBD  
01:30Amanpour   14:00CNN Newsroom  
02:00Hala Gorani Tonight   14:30CNN Newsroom/Program  
02:30Hala Gorani Tonight   15:00CNN Newsroom  
03:00Quest Means Business   15:30African Voices Changemakers  
03:30Quest Means Business   16:00CNN Newsroom  
04:00The Lead   16:30CNN Newsroom  
04:30The Lead   17:00CNN Newsroom  
05:00The Lead   17:30CNN Newsroom  
05:30The Lead   18:00Special:TBD  
06:00The Situation Room   18:30Inside Africa  
06:30The Situation Room   19:00New Day Saturday  
07:00Erin Burnett OutFront   19:30New Day Saturday  
07:30Erin Burnett OutFront   20:00New Day Saturday  
08:00Anderson Cooper 360   20:30New Day Saturday  
08:30Anderson Cooper 360   21:00Smerconish  
09:00Cuomo Prime Time   21:30Smerconish  
09:30Cuomo Prime Time   22:00CNN Newsroom  
10:00Don Lemon Tonight   22:30CNN Newsroom  
10:30Don Lemon Tonight   23:00CNN Newsroom  
11:00Don Lemon Tonight   
11:30Don Lemon Tonight   
12:00CNN Newsroom/Program   
12:30Inside Africa   
00:00International Desk   13:30CNN Newsroom  
00:30CNN Marketplace Africa   14:00CNN Newsroom  
01:00Wolf   14:30CNN Newsroom  
01:30Wolf   15:00CNN Newsroom  
02:00Amanpour.   15:30CNN Newsroom  
02:30CNN Newsroom   16:00CNN Newsroom  
03:00The World Right Now with Hala Gorani   16:30Inside Africa  
03:30The World Right Now with Hala Gorani   17:00Amanpour.  
04:00Quest Means Business   17:30TBD  
04:30Quest Means Business   18:00The Business View with Nina Dos Santos  
05:00CNN Today   18:30Business Traveler  
07:30World Sport   19:00CNN Newsroom  
08:00Anderson Cooper 360   19:30World Sport  
08:30Anderson Cooper 360   20:00News Stream  
09:00Quest Means Business   20:30News Stream  
09:30Quest Means Business   21:00World Business Today  
10:00CNN Tonight   21:30World Business Today  
10:30CNN Tonight   22:00Amanpour.  
11:00Amanpour.   22:30International Desk  
11:30African Voices   23:00Connect the World with Becky Anderson  
12:00CNN Newsroom   
12:30CNN Newsroom   
13:00CNN Newsroom   
13:30CNN Newsroom   

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