NHK World Premium节目表    【CC体育吧】 【手机/PAD观看】

00:20isu grand prix of figure skating 2019/2020: free skating\u0027 14:00nhk news
01:10holiday interview: fujiko fujio 14:10songs for everyone
01:33mini program 14:15taiga drama \u0027idaten\u0027 digest
01:35rural japan \u0027satoyama\u0027 14:20slow life at a temple
01:45see, learn, explore--a deep travelogue in tohoku 5min. 14:49world weather
01:50nhk news 14:50afternoon live
02:00shogi focus 15:45pythagoraswitch mini
02:30go focus 15:50nhk news
03:00peek-a-boo wan wan wonderland 16:01fun with japanese
03:30grand sumo tournament kyushu basho highlights 16:11let\u0027s enjoy english with orton
03:55drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 digest 16:21peek-a-boo
04:00taiga drama \u0027idaten\u0027 第44集 16:36with mother
04:45natural grandeur of the east 17:00nhk news
04:59world weather 17:10kid\u0027s discovery
05:00news: good morning, japan 17:25edutainment \u0027sciencer\u0027 show
07:00drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第49集 17:50home cooking dj
07:15asaichi 17:55asobeaver etv playground
08:55exercise for everyone 18:00nhk news 7
09:00news \u0026 weather 18:30family history \u0027hikari ota\u0027
09:05drama 10 \u0027miss accident investigation\u0027 第6集 19:42mini program
09:55true life turnaround stories 19:45child-rearing hints \u0026 tips mini
10:48camera-eyed japan 19:50design ah!
10:53introducing \u0027tokyo inland earthquake\u0027 week 19:57world weather
10:58world weather 20:00news watch 9
11:00news 21:00true life turnaround stories
11:20delicious japan! 21:50stories
11:45drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第49集 22:20news today
12:00seasoning the seasons \u0027osu, nagoya city\u0027 22:35international news report 2019
13:00cool japan special 
13:50doki doki! nhk world-japan 
13:55world music album 
14:00nhk news 
00:00science zero encore 13:00let\u0027s send out english sns messages to the world!
00:30street interview \u0027gairoku\u0027 13:25j-melo
01:00testimonies of the great east japan earthquake 13:55world music album
01:05songs for everyone 14:00nhk news
01:10health for today 14:10songs for everyone
01:25today\u0027s menu 14:15everyday tips
01:50cooking for beginners 14:20child-rearing hints \u0026 tips
01:55everyday tips 14:49world weather
02:00news today 14:50afternoon live
02:15news commentary 15:45pythagoraswitch mini
02:25world weather 15:50nhk news
02:30100 beautiful mountains of japan 16:01fun with japanese
03:00afternoon live 16:11let\u0027s enjoy english with orton
03:55mini program 16:21peek-a-boo
04:00with mother 16:36with mother
04:24kid\u0027s discovery 17:00nhk news
04:39chatty jay\u0027s sundry shop 17:10kid\u0027s discovery
04:49go! go! cook r\u0027n 17:25whiz-kids tv you
04:59world weather 17:59world weather
05:00news: good morning, japan 18:00nhk news 7
07:00drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第50集 18:30lunch on!
07:15asaichi 18:57song concert
08:55exercise for everyone 19:42mini program
09:00news \u0026 weather 19:45child-rearing hints \u0026 tips mini
09:05family history \u0027hikari ota\u0027 19:50design ah!
10:17document 72 hours 19:57world weather
10:48points at issue 20:00news watch 9
10:58world weather 21:00today\u0027s close-up plus
11:00news 21:30the professionals \u0027cook chiori yamamoto\u0027
11:20bento expo 22:20news today
11:45drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第50集 22:35international news report 2019
12:00hobbies--sparkle your life! 23:15world weather
12:25tanka poetry 
12:50practical english in hospitality scenes 
13:00let\u0027s send out english sns messages to the world! 
00:03mini program 13:00learn chinese on tv
00:05gretel\u0027s magical oven encore 13:25asia insight
00:30a solo life on friday 13:55world music album
01:00testimonies of the great east japan earthquake 14:00nhk news
01:05songs for everyone 14:10songs for everyone
01:10health for today 14:15everyday tips
01:25today\u0027s menu 14:20round table talk on childcare \u0026 education
01:50cooking for beginners 14:44tips for nursing care
01:55everyday tips 14:49world weather
02:00news today 14:50afternoon live
02:15news commentary 15:45pythagoraswitch mini
02:25world weather 15:50nhk news
02:30ippin--japan\u0027s finest 16:01fun with japanese
03:00afternoon live 16:11let\u0027s enjoy english with orton
03:55mini program 16:21peek-a-boo
04:00with mother 16:36with mother
04:24kid\u0027s discovery 17:00nhk news
04:39chatty jay\u0027s sundry shop 17:10kid\u0027s discovery
04:49go! go! cook r\u0027n 17:25whiz-kids tv you
04:59world weather 17:59world weather
05:00news: good morning, japan 18:00nhk news 7
07:00drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第51集 18:30the \u0027oshin\u0027 cast reunion
07:15asaichi 19:29bar in the world 10min
08:55exercise for everyone 19:39mini program
09:00news \u0026 weather 19:42mini program
09:05song concert 19:45child-rearing hints \u0026 tips mini
09:50historical anecdote \u0027zeami\u0027 19:50design ah!
10:40fun with okinawa dialects 19:57world weather
10:48points at issue 20:00news watch 9
10:58world weather 21:00today\u0027s close-up plus
11:00news 21:30historical anecdote \u0027electric car tama\u0027
11:20tomio umezawa \u0026 koji higashino\u0027s eat up farmers meal! 22:20news today
11:45drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第51集 22:35international news report 2019
12:00hobbies--sparkle your life!  encore 23:15world weather
12:25haiku poetry 
12:50practical english in hospitality scenes 
13:00learn chinese on tv 
00:05classic books encore \u0027the lotus sutra\u0027 -part 4 12:50practical english in hospitality scenes
00:30be inquisitive! encore 13:00learn spanish through traveling
01:00testimonies of the great east japan earthquake 13:25journeys in japan
01:05songs for everyone 13:55world music album
01:10health for today 14:00nhk news
01:25today\u0027s menu 14:10songs for everyone
01:50cooking for beginners 14:15everyday tips
01:55everyday tips 14:20core kyoto
02:00news today 14:48world weather
02:15news commentary 14:50afternoon live
02:25world weather 15:45pythagoraswitch mini
02:30hurray to the angler 15:50nhk news
03:00afternoon live 16:01fun with japanese
03:55mini program 16:11let\u0027s enjoy english with orton
04:00with mother 16:21peek-a-boo
04:24kid\u0027s discovery 16:36with mother
04:39chatty jay\u0027s sundry shop 17:00nhk news
04:49go! go! cook r\u0027n 17:10kid\u0027s discovery
04:59world weather 17:25whiz-kids tv you
05:00news: good morning, japan 17:59world weather
07:00drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第52集 18:00nhk news 7
07:15asaichi 18:30tokoro-san, it\u0027s an incident!
08:55exercise for everyone 18:57japanese names trivia!
09:00news \u0026 weather 19:42mini program
09:05the \u0027oshin\u0027 cast reunion 19:45child-rearing hints \u0026 tips mini
10:04mini program 19:50design ah!
10:06trivia quizzes--you\u0027ll get scolded by chiko-chan! mini 19:57world weather
10:17japanese entertainment encyclopedia 20:00news watch 9
10:48points at issue 21:00today\u0027s close-up plus
10:58world weather 21:30this world is filled with wants \u0027bagel in new york city\u0027
11:00news 22:20news today
11:20lunch on! 22:35international news report 2019
11:45drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第52集 23:15world weather
12:00hobbies--sparkle your life! 
12:25vegetable gardening 
12:50practical english in hospitality scenes 
00:20meet the legend 13:00learn french through traveling
00:3010-kilometer run at travel destinations 13:25trails to oishii tokyo
01:00testimonies of the great east japan earthquake 13:55world music album
01:05songs for everyone 14:00nhk news
01:10health for today 14:10songs for everyone
01:25yes, we are repairer! 14:15everyday tips
01:55everyday tips 14:20#teenagers
02:00news today 14:45mini program
02:15news commentary 14:47world weather
02:25world weather 14:50afternoon live
02:30leisurely railway journey across japan 15:40mini program
03:00afternoon live 15:45pythagoraswitch mini
03:55mini program 15:50nhk news
04:00with mother 16:01fun with japanese
04:24kid\u0027s discovery 16:11let\u0027s enjoy english with orton
04:39chatty jay\u0027s sundry shop 16:21peek-a-boo
04:49go! go! cook r\u0027n 16:36with mother
04:59world weather 17:00nhk news
05:00news: good morning, japan 17:10kid\u0027s discovery
07:00drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第53集 17:25whiz-kids tv you
07:15asaichi 17:59world weather
08:55exercise for everyone 18:00nhk news 7
09:00news \u0026 weather 18:30tokyo local information netadori!
09:05japanese names trivia! 18:57trivia quizzes--you\u0027ll get scolded by chiko-chan!
09:50the professionals \u0027cook chiori yamamoto\u0027 19:42mini program
10:40see, learn, explore--a deep travelogue in tohoku 5min. 19:45girls craft
10:48odomo tv 19:50design ah!
10:58world weather 19:57world weather
11:00news 20:00news watch 9
11:20koh kentetsu\u0027s happy food travelogue 21:00drama 10 \u0027miss accident investigation\u0027 第7集
11:30mini program 21:50document 72 hours
11:33365 days of home cooking 22:15mini program
11:38kyoto\u0027s hidamariya garden shop 22:20news today
11:45drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第53集 22:35international news report 2019
12:00let\u0027s handicraft 23:15world weather
12:25my gardening 
12:50practical english in hospitality scenes 
13:00learn french through traveling 
00:18mini program 11:45drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第54集
00:20lunch on! special 12:00news
01:05introducing \u0027tokyo inland earthquake\u0027 week 12:05taiga drama \u0027idaten\u0027 第44集
01:10taiga drama \u0027idaten\u0027 digest 12:50j league soccer
01:15choices on how to deal with illness 15:00introducing \u0027tokyo inland earthquake\u0027 week
02:00news today 15:05the first train stories
02:15news commentary 15:20isu grand prix of figure skating 2019/20, nhk trophy \u0027highlights\u0027
02:25world weather 17:00news
02:30the mark of beauty 17:05pythagoraswitch
03:00afternoon live 17:20basic english: level 0
03:50bijutune! 17:30with mother
03:55mini program 17:55with father mini
04:00with mother 18:00nhk news 7
04:24kid\u0027s discovery 18:30strolling with tamori
04:39chatty jay\u0027s sundry shop 19:15special program
04:49go! go! cook r\u0027n 19:45news \u0026 weather
04:59world weather 20:00nhk special
05:00news: good morning, japan 20:49world weather
06:59world weather 20:50trivia quizzes--you\u0027ll get scolded by chiko-chan! mini
07:00drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第54集 21:00odomo tv
07:15trivia quizzes--you\u0027ll get scolded by chiko-chan! 21:10tv for everyone: nhk cup big failure championship -part 9
08:00news this week 21:58mini program
08:30nhk special \u0027origin of food\u0027 part 1: rice -part 1 22:00songs of our generation
09:20isu grand prix of figure skating 2019/2020: free skating\u0027 22:30drama \u0027please do not attempt, never.\u0027 第6集
10:10isu grand prix of figure skating 2019/2020, nhk trophy \u0027gala exhibition\u0027 23:00news \u0026 weather
11:00news 23:05shibuya note
11:15law and laughter 
11:40ukiyoe edo-life 
11:45drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 第54集 
00:25fun with okinawa dialects 09:55songs for everyone
00:30see, learn, explore--a deep travelogue in tohoku 5min. 10:00pop music club
00:35saturday sports news 10:59world weather
00:55tomio umezawa \u0026 koji higashino\u0027s eat up farmers meal! 11:00news
01:25nhk news 11:15nhk amateur singing contest
02:05japanese traditional performing arts 12:00news
03:00recipe for fulfilling second life! 12:05drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 for a week
03:45365 days of home cooking 12:50kanto university rugby league \u0027meiji univ.\u0027 vs \u0027waseda univ.\u0027
03:50home cooking dj 14:50kyoto\u0027s hidamariya garden shop
03:55asobeaver etv playground 14:55mini program
04:00with mother 15:00the sagrada familia: ambition for the world\u0027s tallest church
04:24nyan-chu! space! broadcasting! mini 16:30with father
04:29mimicries--natural science for kids 17:00news
04:39design ah! 17:05nosy\u0027s inspiring atelier
04:54drama serial \u0027scarlet\u0027 digest 17:20chatty jay\u0027s sundry shop on sundays
04:59world weather 17:30e dance academy
05:00news 18:00nhk news 7
05:10hometown stories 18:30darwin\u0027s amazing animals
05:45nhk special 5min. 19:00taiga drama \u0027idaten\u0027 第45集
05:50tv exercise 19:45news \u0026 weather
06:00news: good morning, japan 20:00nhk special
06:45natural grandeur of the east 20:49world weather
06:59world weather 20:50a dramatic trip tonight: gulangyu island, china
07:00gentle journeys 21:50news \u0026 weather
07:25lunch on! 21:55world news academy
07:52mini program 22:32mini program
07:57weather 22:35sunday sports news
08:00sunday debate 
09:00news \u0026 weather 
09:05march to recovery 
09:55songs for everyone 

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