

Golden State Warriors


  • 英文名:Golden State Warriors
  • 城市:奥克兰
  • 球场:甲骨文球馆
  • 成立时间:1946年
  • 教练:马克·杰克逊


      勇士原来在费城,1962年才搬到旧金山,随后又来到奥克兰,更名为金州勇士。由于近年战绩不佳,勇士队几乎已经被人遗忘,但他们却是最早加盟NBA的11支球队之一;在NBA历史上,曾三次夺过总冠军,NBA的第一次总冠军得主就是勇士队(那时叫BAA);NBA单场最高分纪录保持者张伯伦就是在勇士队拿下100分的。   70年代开始,勇士队连续8年进季后寒。1974-75赛季


  • 楼主

    科尔做客追梦博客时,透露了为何在一些最高强度的比赛中做一些大的调整时,能如此自如。 “当我回顾2015,最大的动作是在季后赛第二轮1-2落后灰熊时做的。R·亚当斯建议用博古特对位托尼阿伦。他们只是在控制节奏。我记得他说这个时,我们在飞机上。记得我当时想'为何要那样做呢?'似乎有点疯狂” “录像看得越多,我越能具像化。随后我们做到了,就像魔法一样。就像“oh my god”,这改变了一切。作为教练,第一次经历仅仅调整一个对位,就极大程度地改变了一组系列赛” “当时,我真的不知道。但是,因为我们有如此优秀的团队,他们经历过,并教给了我。从那时起,就像“好吧,现在我明白了” 真的可以通过一些细微的调整带来改变。” 感谢关注 以下是原文 “When I think back to 2015, the biggest move we made was in the second round when we were playing Memphis and we were down 2-1,” Kerr explained on “The Draymond Green Show,” which was published Monday. “And [assistant coach] Ron Adams suggested that we put Andrew Bogut on Tony Allen in Memphis. And they were just controlling the tempo. And I remember we were on the plane when he said it and I remember thinking, ‘Why would we do that? That seems crazy.’? “So the more we watched film, the more I could picture it. And then we did it and it was like magic. It was like, ‘Oh my god,’ this changed everything. And that was my first experience as a coach where I realized one matchup change, just one move, can change a series dramatically.” "I didn’t really know it at the time, but because we had such a great staff and a veteran group with Alvin Gentry and Ron, those guys had been through it before so they taught me. So from then on, it was like, ‘OK, now I get it.’ You can really make a shift with some subtle moves.”? #说谁呢?科尔:勇士年轻球员不懂牺牲##老詹会去独行侠和东欧组三巨头吗?##总决赛大预言家#

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