Mynameisloogs(英格兰球迷):能插能射的丁丁,就问你怕不怕!(Fuck KDB’s positional sense and shooting are nightmare for every one.)
HatesLVG 697(切尔西球迷):看着丁丁和穆帅成为对手,这种感觉就像看着你还深爱着的两个前任互相撕逼一样纠结…( KDB played against Mou, it's like you watch your ex beat your other ex while both of them are still in your heart.)
Anthony_MartiaI(曼联球迷):作为中场,姆希塔良这场比赛的传球数甚至还比不上布拉沃…(Bravo has more passes than Mkhi who is a middlefield.)
Acampa007(西汉姆联球迷):瓜瓜对鲁尼说:“我是不会给你球的,除非告诉我你在哪里做的植发。”(Guardiola: I am not going to give you the ball until you tell me where you got the hair transplant.)
Promnibus(巴塞尔球迷):布林德这场比赛真是人如其名啊!(Blind really living up to his name there.)
Acouchuskies08(摩纳哥球迷):波霸这场比赛向人们展示了强大的护球技术,可护完球之后就基本上啥也不会干了…(Pogba’sgreat at protecting the ball under pressure...and then doing nothingwith it most of time.)
FostertheReno(利物浦球迷):这场比赛可谓是布拉沃职业生涯最难熬的95分钟了吧…(Longest 95 minutes of Bravo's life? :)
Purswiper33(塞维利亚球迷):布拉沃在这场比赛里出现的失误,比在巴萨过去两年加在一块还多…(Bravo made more mistakes in this game than in 2 years playing for Barca.)
Hunteryis25(皇马球迷):看着穆帅和瓜瓜,我想我终于明白了相爱相杀到老的含义,一路上有你,苦一点也愿意。(I start to know Pep and Jose are friends but rivals all their life, they make the other more motivated in the disgusting coaching life in PL.)
Supermario(意大利球迷):我觉得笨马下一场可以去踢中卫了,反正水爷和佩佩都会挤在前面。(Well Benzema can play CB next time as Ramos and Pepe will go forward all the time.)
A1k3nhead(皇马球迷):大比分赢球的比赛看得多了,但双中卫都进球的场面还真是第一次见着…(Big scores are not rare but it’s the staring center backs scoring together hard to see.)
GoodDealOnUm8(阿森纳球迷):我觉得黑C罗和黑梅西的人都是不幸的,因为他们都错过了当今足坛另一半的美。(Those who hate Cristiano or Messi are so unlucky since they miss the other half greatness of football in this world.)
Beardbuckler(未知主队球迷):安切洛蒂曾说过,当C罗首发的时候,比赛就已经1-0领先了。("If Cristiano starts, the match starts 1-0." Carlo Ancelotti.)
Actom360(利物浦球迷):当米尼奥莱首发的时候,比赛就已经0-1落后了。(If Mignolet starts the match starts 0-1.)
Rztrc(阿拉维斯球迷):天呐!我简直不敢相信我的眼睛!(OMG! I cannot believe what I'm seeing!!)
Rmurph22(切尔西球迷):这场比赛巴萨只有两脚射门打在门框以内,这是4年来最差的成绩了…(Barca only had two shoots on target, which was the least in recent 4 years.)
Whalefister(巴塞罗那球迷):不是我们不想射,而是他们逼太紧了…(We did want to make some goals but Alaves pushed too hard.)
Livingparallel(凯尔特人球迷):天啦噜,这是要留着力气到周中欧冠虐我们么…和巴萨比我们就像翔一样…(Saving them all for Tuesday, no doubt...We are total shi*t comparing with them.)
OreytPal(谢菲尔德联球迷):大胸弟,上次这么说的是塞尔塔,他们装完逼就进了巴萨四个球。(It was Celta that said the same before and they socred 4 goals against Barca after that.)
Egge28(芝加哥火焰球迷):基科-费米尼亚只来诺坎普踢过两场比赛,但这两次都把巴萨给打败了,而且两次都是升班马在卫冕冠军主场耀武扬威的好戏:一次是今年的阿拉维斯,另一次是2010年的大力神队。(Kiko Femenía has only played 2 times at the Camp Nou, and has won both times with promoted teams against defending champions. (Hércules in 2010 and Alavés in 2016).)
Jd763(国际米兰球迷):恭喜下注买阿拉维斯赢球的球迷!(Congratulations to whoever bet on Alaves.)
JuventusX(尤文图斯球迷):我觉得小马哥应该是赚得最多的…(That would be Mascherano who win the most.)
Biltem(贝西克塔斯球迷):一名后卫能踢进这样的倒钩,真是现在立马退役也毫无遗憾了…(When a defender does that, he might as well walk off the pitch and retire.)
TrippyMane(皇马球迷):呃…那我觉得水爷已经可以退役十好几次了…(Well…Ramos may have retired a dozen times)
Hessenuk(未知主队球迷):你知道吗?自从上次威尔谢尔在英超踢满整场90分钟比赛的之后,C罗已经踢进了115个球了…(Since Jack Wisherer last played 90 minutes of Premier league football, Cristiano Ronaldo has scored 115 goals.)
Nato210187(阿森纳球迷):补时绝杀!我真的连做梦都想不到啊!(Kill the game in extra time was far beyond I ever dreamt of…)
Rappix74(曼联球迷):哦?是么?曼联球迷表示这20年来都习惯了。(So this is so common for a Manchester United fan of 20 years.)
Diceandmice(利物浦球迷):面对上赛季的冠亚军,我们都打进了4个球,却又偏偏输给了升班马。没错,这就是我军的风格!(We've nowwon and scored 4 against last season's top 2 and have lost to a newlypromoted team. That sounds about right for Liverpool.)
Shizzukani(多特蒙德球迷):拉拉纳这是把之前各种错失良机所积蓄的力量全憋在这一球上了么…(Lallana just combined the power of all the goals he never scored into that one strike.)
Radiator(利物浦球迷):呼呼~作为一个新晋红军球迷,有谁能给我解释一下什么叫做“零封”吗?(Hum…I am a new Liverpool fan, who can tell me what does a clean sheet mean? )
Bangedchat(莱斯特城球迷):今年保级何处是?坎特不见使人愁。(Hard season for us to avoid relegation, is the lack of Kanté this bad? :(
Tjofte(英格兰球迷):长叹息以掩涕息!哀裁判之无眼。(I am so sorry that the ref doesn’t have eyes in his life.)
IdWael90(切尔西球迷):按这两天后卫进球的惯例,我本以为特里或伊万也能进个球的…(I thought Terry or Ivancould made some scores as defenders were active these days.)
HumblePotato(切尔西球迷):脸长得帅有什么用,关键是看你到最后还能不能射!对吧科斯塔?(Not having a handsome face means nothing for Costa as he could always score at last to gain cheers.)
Muzzydon2(尤文图斯球迷):天呐,那个胖子真是贪得无厌!快喂他饼吃啊,他已对进球饥渴难耐啦!(The fat man is fucking hungry for goal, feed him the ball and he will score!)
Agejaeger(意大利球迷):10分钟两脚射门,两个进球,对一个胖子而言已经不错了!(10 mins, 2 shots, 2 goals. Not bad for a fatty.)
Xepa105(尤文图斯球迷):他们有MSN,咱有皮亚尼瓜因!(They have MSN, but we have Pjaniguain!)
THZHDY(图卢兹球迷):刚刚我们有幸看到了布冯的失误,这真是太不容易了!因为上一次还是发生在15年前…(We just witnessed a rare sighting of a Buffon mistake. It's been about 15 years since the last one.)
RollUpFromHell(未知主队球迷):看布冯的比赛,总会有一种错觉;他让我偏执地觉得,自己的青春还没有结束。我就怕哪一天他真的退役了,关于青春的一切,也就一去不返了。(Watching Buffon play would give me an illusion, which made me feel like I am still a teenager. Hard to accept the fact that memories of my youth days are doomed to fade when he is retired. )
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