Eladir(巴萨球迷):说实话,当看见内马尔去罚点球时,我的内心真是咯噔一下子…(Honestly it was so nervous to see Neymar kick the penalty…)
TimeFingers(巴萨球迷):马儿离开梅西的时间有点长,看来老大传授的点球秘诀全都忘啦!(It has been so long a time without Messi and Ney almost forgot his guidance.)
Apzoix(墨西哥球迷):踢进点球后,为了不影响和梅西的基情,马儿赶紧理了个土豪金的发型以表忠心。(Shoot in a penalty made him not that like Messi so Neymar immediately adopted the same blonde haircut after that.)
SeryaphFR(阿贾克斯球迷):问世间情为何物,彼岸马声啼不住。(I can’t find out how to describe their bromance until I see what Neymar’s done across the ocean. )
Andersen2016(里斯本竞技球迷):我的天,真是命悬一线,巴西真的太需要这个冠军了!!(Damn, so close. But what a win for Brazil. Brazil needed this…)
DivineVibration(切尔西球迷):我想段子手们可能更需要这个冠军...(I think Reddit may needed this more.)
Racooning(马竞球迷):巴西确实需要这枚金牌,这不是对德国的复仇,而是桑巴足球自身的重生。(Brazil really NEED this, not as revenge, but as restart.)
EdDEUK_96(桑托斯球迷):看球的时候,我邻居家的电视信号比我快10秒,不断地听他隔着墙剧透,这真是一场地狱般的折磨...(I can hear my neighbour's TV. It's about 10 seconds ahead of my stream. This is how i picture hell hearing him cried out everything cross the wall.)
Creampizza(巴西球迷):当我们1-0领先的时候,我真的好担心德国超人队一言不合就追回7个球…(I was terribly afraid that super German would score 7 goals after we had one. )
Omgzpplz(奥兰多城球迷):这场比赛总的来说,就是一场马儿不断喂饼而队友却不断挑食的过程。(Neymar keeps feeding his teammates and they keep wasting chances…)
LinXcze(热那亚球迷):德国赢球了,德国球迷:“哈哈,巴西你们又输给我们啦!”巴西赢球了,德国球迷:“呵呵,这只是奥运会的比赛而已,谁在乎呢…”(Germany wins: Lol you lose again Brazil! Brazil wins: This Olympic game doesn't even matter.)
Huyehhd(皇马球迷):告诉大家一个不幸的消息,好莱坞准备明年拍一部足球电影,而影片中扮演皇马球员的明星将是C罗和...贾斯丁-比伯...(Sorrow news that Hollywood to create a football movie in 2017, starring Cristiano Ronaldo and Justin Bieber as Real Madrid players.)
Tumtpion90(皇马球迷):当初我们仅仅花费350万欧元就带来了阿森西奥,看着这如此有潜力的小将,真心觉得我们对不起人家马洛卡...(We got Asensio for 3.50m. Pretty much robbed Mallorca blind. Incredible talent.)
Uptiued12(德国球迷):这场比赛是克罗斯在皇马的第100场比赛,效率真是高啊…我甚至都觉的咱刚刚在上个月签下了他一样…(This is kris's 100th game for real. Quite incredible he's done it this quickly. Feels like we just got him last month.)
BurgleYourTurd(热刺球迷):梅西在那里只是散步,忽然他拿到球了,做了几个动作,接下来我就只能准备口型说“卧槽”了。(At first Messi is just walking. Then he gets the ballI and made some steps, at this time I could only say "Fuck this”.)
Wat555(沃特福德球迷):恭喜梅西本赛季成功进化成了超级赛亚人!(He’s gone Super Saiyan on us this season.)
Dalyon(里昂球迷):我觉得能不能从MSN里抽出一个人来专门练练点球?他们的任意球都已经足够好了…(Can anyone of MSN practice penalty on purpose since their FKs are already so brilliant…)
Furnaceboy(巴萨球迷):很好罗贝托,右后卫很适合你!顺便问一句,你可以踢替补中锋吗…(Good job Roberto, RB is a nice try for you but do you want to try a backup center forward as well…)
Messi_ah(阿根廷球迷):让罗贝托踢右后卫真是恩里克最大胆的尝试,真很难找到其他教练会有如此的魄力,就连瓜迪奥拉恐怕都不行。(Roberto at RB is Luis Enrique's most brave scheme by far. Not sure any other manager in the world would think of that, even Pep Guardiola.)
Gythy(拜仁球迷):瓜帅怎么改造罗贝托,这这我不知道,但我觉得他甚至会让小狮子踢后腰。(Ehh..I don’t know how Pep would do towards Roberto, but Stegen can play as a DM under his adaption.)
BornNothing(曼城球迷):瓜瓜,你的丁丁真是如丝般润滑...(De Bruyne is so silky in Pep’s guidance.)
Stevebiglegs(曼城球迷):哈哈,你要想咱的萨内,京多安还有孔帕尼都还没出场呢!(To think we still have Sane, Gundogan, and Kompany to come. Lol)
Jo3Fr3sh(圣保利球迷):阿圭罗现在的英超进球数已经和德罗巴一样了,而且他还少踢了102场比赛,他就是曼城的传奇!(Augero now has the same number of goals in the Premier League as Didier Drogba. He's played 102 games less. Legend of Man city.)
BrianKniv(丹麦球迷):呃...你们别笑话那个爬到树上看球的哥们了,你没看见克拉罗夫和纳瓦斯的射门吗?球跑到树上那哥们手上的概率可比咱大多了,这才是智慧!(People are mocking the man in the tree, but have you seen Kolarov and Navas shoot? He has a better chance of a ball from there. Clever man.)
Rr220(埃弗顿球迷):一边大骂瓜帅放逐乔哈特,一边又在赢球时在球场高唱瓜迪奥拉之歌,球迷们的做法有时也是匪夷所思。(Fans are blaming Guardiola for Hart while his chants ringing through the stadium after winning, weird things for them.)
Sebohood(巴萨球迷):当年瓜帅在巴萨弃用小罗的时候,球迷的反应就和现在一样,开始时大家都是愤怒无比,但最后还是看到了他的道理。(This is basically how fan felt when Pep took over Barcelona and got rid of Ronaldinho. Well no, at first I was really angry, but eventually I came to see it this way.)
Budgeprong(未知主队球迷):真不理解曼城这种没有底蕴的土豪球队还有球迷,而那些历史悠久的老牌球队却无人问津。(I just can’t fugure out why a team like Man City with nothing but money could have so many fans while a long-history team like us should be ignored.)
Krillin113(曼联球迷):朋友,支持并不出众的小球队也不代表你就有高品味;同样,当强队的粉丝并不意味着你也能随球队走向巅峰。足球本来就是一个欣赏的过程,若把它当做秀优越的平台,只能反衬出你内心的空虚。(Well bor, suppoting an unknown team doesn’t mean you have a great taste while a giant team fan can’t always find real achievements in his life as his teams dose. We watch football for fun and those making the supporting teams as a flaunt are indeed show off their ignorance. )
Twigg89(阿森纳球迷):放在以前,我厂至少还能混个“得势不得分”,但现在,他们甚至连“假装在踢攻势足球”的本事都没有了...(At least Arsenal could hold advantage before but now they can't even pretend that they play attacking football anymore.)
Eudstar(切尔西球迷):莱斯特城0-0科斯切尔尼(Leicester City 0-0 Laurent Koscielny.)
Giaccherinho(尤文球迷):直到现在我也不明白,为什么沃尔科特的周薪比桑切斯还高…(Still can’t figure out why Walcott has a higher salary than Sanchez.)
Neurgh(热刺球迷):我真的希望,曼联的复兴再晚两年到来吧:(...(I was hoping United would wait a couple more years to make their comeback :(
Lax4Evr(曼联球迷):这场比赛最令我开心的就是最后几分钟,我竟然感受不到德赫亚的存在了…这可真是难得一见的场景。(The best part about watching this game is that I kind of forget that we have De Gea in the last few minutes. That hasn't happen often.)
Xeroskill99(利物浦球迷):库蒂尼奥尝试了26脚精彩射门,成功地将观众的帽子打掉了25个。(Coutinho - Attempts 26. Fans heads taken off -25.)
YoungJava1992(曼联球迷):看到你们有80%的控球率却还是进不了球,我都怀疑我在看范师傅的比赛了。(Seeing you have 80% possession and still can't score a goal, I just thought there was Louis.)
Rockstarrzz(利物浦球迷):有啥用?反正这些钱最后还不是付给南安普顿!(They’ll end up giving all their money to Southampton anyway. )
WinterTBE(利物浦球迷):我有点担心我军的队服会不会成为中国国旗那样,一片火红之上点缀着五颗金星。刚刚我忽然想起来,我们的队服好像一直都是这样的...(I was just wondering whether Liverpool kitswould start to look like Chinese flag if this happens. red all over withfive little stars? Suddenly I realized we had already have that.)
Spartanfox(利物浦球迷):道理我都懂,但他们能给咱买个左后卫吗?(I’ve known it but can they buy left-back?)
juviegar(尤文球迷):为什么小烟枪变胖了?因为他对进球充满了饥饿感!(why he got fat? because he's hungry for goals.)
warpus(巴萨球迷):阿尔维斯依然穿着条形球衣,但再也不是熟悉的红蓝色了...(Dani Alves is still in stripes but not blaugrana any longer.)
Theghostinwin(意大利球迷):根据维基百科的统计,布冯再有39场比赛就可以实现俱乐部和国家队总出场数1000次啦!(Accordingly to Wikipedia, Buffon only needs 39 more appearances to make it to 1000 for club & country.)
上一篇: 经纪人:罗布松-卡努一周内决定下家
下一篇: 甘愿沉溺于梦中
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