

2017/10/15 1:35:54 sports8.net 互联网



IBWICH98(利物浦球迷):这场比赛真是典型的利记进攻!呃...和防守…(Typical Liverpool attacking and defensive performance.)

DrRobot(南安普顿球迷):5个进球是我们前圣徒球员打进的,你能理解我的心痛吗...(Former Southampton players had 5 goals in this game, can you realize my pain?)

purrodo119(利物浦球迷):吓得我赶紧看看南安普顿今年买的球员,明年可能就要来我军了呢!(oh god I was just looking for the players South Ampton bought this year since they’ll come for us next season.)


Heffernan7(西汉姆联球迷):恭喜利物浦!第一场比赛就预订了这个赛季的最佳进球!(Congratulations on getting Liverpool's goal of the season the first match into it.)

HUgegyt(热刺球迷):小老虎和张伯伦都进球啦!看来你厂真的不用买前锋喽!(Walcott and Chamberlain scored, now you're definitely not gonna buy one.)

Yuhdbed(曼联球迷):其实,这场比赛可以说是阿森纳近几个赛季的真实写照——一个美好的开局给了人们无限希望,随后便伤病来袭,失望不断,球队陷入深渊。在绝望之际,却又忽然迎来转机,球迷们又重新满怀希望,但前期挖的坑太大,最后只能饮恨重来。(Well that match just sort of epitomized Arsenal these years. A bright start filling you with hope and optimism. Followed by disappointment, injuries, and sadness culminating in darkness and depression. Then out of the blackness, they mount a valiant effort at a comeback and every one will have hope again but they still can’t compensate for error made before.)

ClausTheDrunkard(南安普顿球迷):本场比赛前:哈哈哈,我们卖马内给利物浦竟然赚了3400万镑!,我们又讹了利物浦一把!赛后:我们竟然只收了3400万镑,那红军又把我们圣徒老乡给抢了!(Before - "hahaha 34m for Mané we'verobbed them again”. After - "disgraceful we only got 34m for Mané whydid we let him go that cheap?”)

JB4King(巴黎圣日耳曼球迷):联赛已经不是那个联赛了,但伊布永远是你大爷!(Different league, same Ibra.)

Samut112(斯托克城球迷):伊布直到现在也没明白为什么赛后会给发他一个香水盒。(Ibra is still wondering why they gave him a perfume box after the game.)

Davedive(曼城球迷):我觉得伊布已经迫不及待地盼望欧联杯的首秀了!(I bet he can't wait for his Europa League debut.)

Jayenitedy(阿斯顿维拉球迷):足球就是前锋在前场玩得爽,但能不能赢还是得在门线上拼爹。(Whatever these strikers achieved but it’s still De Gea decided the final results.)

Jong123(锡耶纳球迷): 看着马夏尔躺着也能拿助攻,真不知道厄齐尔会怎么想…(Wanna know how Ozil feel to see Martial’s easy assistances.)

Koab78(曼联球迷):这场比赛过后,人们已经忘了我魔还有个今年的标王没上场呢…(Nobody noticed that the most expensive player this summer had’t made his debut after this game…)

Bugaoo908(曼联球迷):莫天才,是时候展现你的实力了,用优异的表现打那些曼联球迷的脸!不过现在能先把费莱尼买走吗?我看你可能挺需要他的。(I always hope you make mutd fans awkward by great achievements  coaching in other teams, but Moyes can you buy  Fellaini now? I think you may need him.)

Pingas(曼联球迷):真是场奇怪的比赛,人们好像更多地在谈论瓜瓜的发型。(I also feel like we're talking more about Pep’s hair than the match…weird.)

Pogo34(圣保利球迷):曼城弃子反噬旧主,曼联旧将乌龙给曼城送分,求解这场比赛中出了多少叛徒…(Former players from man city and man united scored for the opposite respectively…it’s beyond me.)

Oaktree34(多特蒙德球迷):其实瓜瓜也挺不容易的,输了就是千夫所指,赢了又会被人说是拴狗冠...(Pep’s in a hard situation that any lose could make him be deadly blamed while any win would be taken for granted for the brilliant XI)

Womble_Don(温布尔登球迷):我看蛋酥骨骼惊奇,日后必成大器!(Denis Suárez is going to be truly amazing in a couple years.)

Milanofireworks(AC米兰球迷):都说喜欢巴萨的有很多是冠军粉,可我真的希望有朝一日,喜欢我米的也重新都是冠军粉...(They said many barca fans just like the trophies, but how I wish Milan fans are all those just like trophies again…)


Shortdood(多特蒙德球迷):狐媚当头,欲说还休。(What could I say to see Hummels again.)

Gnermo(拜仁球迷):当年欧冠决赛,罗本和里贝里两翼齐飞帮助拜仁击败多特,我至今还记得。(I still miss the days when we won UECL and Robbery is my valuable memories.)

Gosagur(多特蒙德球迷):都说我们还年轻,是赢在未来,可我真的想赢一次现在…(They always say our players are still young and we have the future, but how I wish to win right NOW!)


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