dipsauze(英格兰球迷):如此英超,岂能不爱?呃...社区盾杯也一样!(So eccited to watch a PL game!!!Hum...the same to Community Shield.)
DrRobotTheRob(格兰纳达球迷):确实是一场精彩的比赛!不过社区盾杯是什么?(That's really great! but what's the Community Shield?)
Edtocitus(曼联球迷):伊布只用了一场比赛,就帮助曼联夺得冠军!(It only took Zlatan one official game at United to win them a trophy.)
Conundrum98(萨格勒布迪纳摩球迷):朋友,你听说过维尔马伦吗?(Do you know Vermaelen bro.)
Timatebr0(尤文图斯球迷):费莱尼给瓦尔蒂的助攻真是太精彩了!我想大概是因为他头发染料用多了渗进脑子里的缘故吧!(Beautiful assist by Fellaini. His hair dye must have seeped into his brain.)
ShadyDog (曼联球迷):费莱尼…废了你…(F**k you Fellaini...)
zackya89(英格兰球迷):先不说这个助攻,为什么欧洲杯上比利时对阵英格兰的时候没让费莱尼首发?(forget about this goal, How the fuck this guy wasnt a starter for England in the Euros is beyond me.)
Elonaleotipler(曼联球迷):如果鲁尼继续这**一样的表现的话,估计伊布就要揍他了…(If rooney keeps playing like this shit...he will get punched by ibra.)
GilsWorld(皇马球迷):从瓦拉内、祖马到拜利,穆帅发掘青年才俊的功力令人钦佩。(From Varane, Zouma to Bailly, Mourinho knows how to pick them.)
GilsWorld(未知主队球迷):穆帅在赛后说,要把这场胜利献给未出场的7位球员,以及带领球队获得足总杯冠军的范加尔。(Mourinho: "I dedicate the victory to seven players who didn't make the squad and LVG who won the trophy to get us here."Unverified account.)
Amlk960(罗马球迷):穆帅说的7个人里包括施魏因施泰格吗?(But is Schweinsteiger one of the seven?)
piaLimitless(利物浦球迷):听到迈克尔-欧文作为解说员,提到曼联时称为“我们”,心里真不是滋味…(Surreal hearing Michael Owen use "we" as part of Manchester United...)
DannyJLloyd 24(莱斯特城球迷):如果几年前你告诉我说莱斯特城要和曼联在温布利踢社区盾杯,我肯定会满脸惊讶地说:“我们怎么可能会获得足总杯冠军?”(If a few years ago you told me we'd be playing Man U at Wembley for the Community Shield I'd ask 'how did we win the FA cup?')
Orthocrat 16 (罗马球迷):该死,没了曼奇尼的国米,对我们的威胁更大了…(Damn it, now we actually have to be worried about Inter without Mancini.)
Dwimer(AC米兰球迷):出于人道主义考虑,我真不希望小国际再出现在这个栏目里了…(Based on humanitarian considerations I’d rather not see inter in reddit anymore.)
Rhombus(澳大利亚球迷):我觉得曼奇尼可能要去中国了…(I think Mancini would come to China soon…)
Friendkyle(西汉姆联球迷):被打脸最狠并不是曼乔,而是霍奇森…(It’s Hodgson rather than Mancini to feel ashamed.)
Unhushbabe(莱斯特城球迷):这TM就尴尬了…(It made us awkward.)
Ofautumn(巴萨球迷):没想到我萨竟被美因茨血虐8球。(Can’t believe we are lost 0-8 to Mainz.)
Crnivuk(哥本哈根球迷):巴萨不哭,今夜我们都是加泰罗尼亚人!(Don’t cry barca, always love you Catalonia.)
Mycahhh(未知主队球迷):不想再隐瞒下去了,其实我是美因茨30年老球迷…(I’d like to say actually I had been a Mainz fan for so many years in secret…)
koemer 62 (美因茨球迷):上次我们和利物浦交手时其实赢了5-0…不过第二年就从德甲降级了…(Last time we played Liverpool, we won 5-0 and got relegated the same year…)
Hueyhus(利物浦球迷):我就知道利物浦的水平根本混不了德甲,充其量也就在西甲凑合拿个冠军!(Guess Liverpool won't make it in Bundesliga. At most La Liga is our upper limit.)
Reveren 651(南安普顿球迷):马内接拉拉纳的助攻攻破巴萨球门!这真给我造成了成吨的伤害…(Mané goal from Lallana assist against Barcelona. Only hurts a lot.)
emre2345(利物浦球迷):这真是一场精彩的比赛!我们踢得就像巴萨一样!诶?等等,我们的对手是谁?(What a game, just like watching Barcelona!Oh…wait, which one are we faced?)
Ohapollo(曼联球迷):赢下巴萨时的利物浦球迷:“友谊赛也很能说明问题!球队总是充满求胜欲,今年将是我们的时代,红军即将征服英超!”输给美因茨时的利物浦球迷:“这有什么,友谊赛而已,明天就被人忘了,球员们才不在乎这种鸡肋比赛呢!”(Liverpool fans yesterday: Friendlies do actually matter. Teams always want to win and clearly this is Liverpool's year. Liverpool has now a perfect team to win the PL. Liverpool fans today: So what? It's a friendly. It will be forgotten tomorrow. Players don't care one bit about these meaningless games.)
Insicur (阿森纳球迷):我说什么来着?最强之人已在阵中!(lol Wenger would be quite satisfied with the squad now.)
ParkerZA (阿森纳球迷):很好,沃尔科特回归就是最好的引援!(Oh good, recovering Walcott's like a new signing.)
Moutaryan(曼联球迷):是不是因为沃尔科特快要续约了...(Is Walcott's contract up for renewal soon?)
Moonshiver(纽卡斯尔球迷):内马尔正在想:“早知道我和这群猪队友一起踢球,还不如去踢美洲杯呢!”(Neymar thinking "FML I should've gone to Copa America instead of playing with these idiots")
NalAceAve(皇马球迷):这样他就能和另外一群猪队友一起踢球了。("then he could've played with those idiots instead of these idiots")
Esbcher92(美国球迷):不,至少马儿在踢海地的时候还能近几个球呢,还能尝尝7-1获胜的滋味。("ffs he could have scored some on Haiti’s and won a 7-1 at least.)
IcoHispanic78(巴西球迷):我怎么感觉现在就像一个南美的英格兰球迷一样?I feel like an England fan in south America.
MohammedCOYG(伊拉克球迷):加油伊拉克!我在凌晨零两点的巴格达为你加油,你是我最无上的光荣!(Cmon Iraq!!! I’m in Bagdad staying up at 2am for this, you are my greatest glory!)
Opleya 1126(切尔西球迷):阿扎尔至今还在等着签收宝马呢!(Eden is still waiting for his BMW i8 to be delivered.)
MajesticTower(桑德兰球迷):坎特真可惜,去了切尔西就领不到宝马车了…(Sorry for Kante didn’t has one outside Stamford Bridge.)
Cereberus(未知主队球迷):有了切尔西的大巴,谁还稀罕宝马啊?(Who needs a BMW when you've got a bus.)
Razzler1973(切尔西球迷):坎特说,当他在切尔西遇见阿扎尔的时候,第一句话便是:“你也许不曾知晓,在我们莱斯特城,闻听到你的名字,人人都感激涕零。”(Kanté: When I first saw Eden Hazard here at Chelsea I said to him "Maybe [you] do not know, but everyone [at Leicester] thanks you")
badgarok725(曼联球迷):波霸将在48小时内加盟!如果那时候还没官宣,就请把第一句话再读一遍。(Pogba would join us in 48 hours! Read it again if not officially announced then.)
Pestoaiol(曼联球迷):哈哈,我魔青训出品球员成为了世界新标王!虽然这钱是我们自己付的…(Glad to see player from our academy become the most expensive in the world…despite we paid the money ourselves.)
Apt-get(葡萄牙球迷):有没有一种可能,是尤文图斯的体检室坏了,博格巴只是来曼联蹭个医院的…(Can it be that Juve medical team is having a vacation so they sent him to Man Utd for medical.)
上一篇: 官方:斯旺西与老将兰格尔续约
下一篇: 球探报告:三狮军团未来的后防脊梁牛津哥
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