spoonsforeggs(纽卡球迷):当阿森纳球迷总是如此痛苦吗?还是只有这场比赛是这样?(Is supporting Arsenal always this hard?)
Pigisdeado(阿森纳球迷):总是如此。(Always like this.)
sjtnufc(纽卡球迷):真是不能指望阿森纳。(Can't rely on Arsenal for anything)
yungchigz(阿森纳球迷):谁说的,在让人失望这件事上,我从不怀疑阿森纳。(I beg to differ. They consistently disappoint me, I can rely on that.)
Shady_maniac(巴萨球迷):桑德兰丢分了。(Dropped points by Sunderland)
hsvarsenal(阿森纳球迷):这个世界上有四件事是亘古不变的:死亡、税收、碌碌无为的沃尔科特和不得重用的坎贝尔。(Death, Taxes, Walcott coming on and doing nothing while Campbell remains unused)
Goodlake(阿森纳球迷):三十年莱斯特城球迷不知道你们在说什么呵呵。(I've always supported Leicester, I don't know what you're talking about.)
LikeWarmApplePi(莱斯特城球迷):没有瓦尔蒂?那也没问题!(No Vardy, No Problem)
Baisabeast(切尔西球迷):这么看,原来瓦尔蒂是毒瘤啊!(God Vardy dragged them down)
McGrifty(基多球迷):听到现场球迷“巴塞罗那,我们来了”的呼喊了吗?太震撼了!("BARCELONA, WE'RE COMING FOR YOU!" Brilliant.)
ThisUsernameIsSexy(多特球迷):真的很期待下赛季他们在欧冠中的表现。(Really looking forward to how they will perform in the CL next season)
29255Daystogo(曼联球迷):小组赛出线之后碰巴黎,客场0-0主场1-0。之后碰皇马,客场,客场0-0主场1-0。半决赛碰巴萨,客场0-0主场1-0。决赛踢拜仁,1-0。足球皇帝拉涅利!!!(Gets out of the group stage, meets PSG in the Ro16. 0-0 in France, 1-0 in Leicester. Draws Real Madrid next round, 0-0 at the Bernabau, 1-0 at home. Barcelona in the semi's, 0-0 in Spain, 1-0 in Leicester. Bayern in the final. Leicester 1, Bayern 0. Claudio Ranieri is hailed as the king of football.)
thekhaos(皇马球迷):对,再下个赛季他们就能拿世界杯了。(Next season: Leicester win the World Cup.)
salmaodamama(巴萨球迷):看到8-0的比分,我整个人都8-0了。(After seeing the scoreline I was like 8-0)
2ez3ar(巴萨球迷):去他妈的欧冠吧,我们现在也要当虐菜队!(Fuck the champions league, we're a small team bully now)
I_am_oneiros(巴萨球迷):我们也就是面对保级队、内维尔的蝙蝠和贝尼特斯的皇马时能进这么多球了,这波不亏。(We can only score 4 goals vs relegation threatened teams, Gary Neville's Valencia, Benitez's Madrid and so on. I'll take it.)
AlmududlerBoy69(皇马球迷):反正我们欧冠还没出局呢,你开心就好~( Don't mind that, at least were still in the Champions League.)
EvenGandhiHatesLVG(切尔西球迷):苏牙你醒醒,这两场不是打诺维奇啊!(Ok who told Suarez that Deportivo are Norwich?)
Iliveforthis39(马竞球迷):这哪里是触底反弹……这是触底之后直接上天了。(Well, that's one way to come back from a slump)
Bloo2004(曼联球迷):都别拦着我吹,德赫亚太特么牛逼了!(De Gea was absolutely spectacular tonight.)
Punerisaiyan(曼联球迷):天佑传真机!(GOD BLESS THE FAX MACHINE!)
(纵观reddit,歪果仁似乎还没有形成天朝认爹的光荣传统= ̄ω ̄=)
YUHDEW(曼联球迷):弗格森时间再现!(Fergie time is back!!!)
MunkyUK(威尔士球迷):两边主帅的续命之战。(Winning manager gets a new contract.)
ACTUAL_TIME_TRAVELER(埃弗顿球迷):马丁内斯啊,该准备求职简历了。(Hope your resume's up to date, Roberto.)
516nocnaes(阿森纳球迷):马夏尔就是压垮马丁内斯的最后一根稻草。(Martial just put the nail in Martinez's coffin)
Samuraii889(巴拿马球迷):达尼洛是我坚持梦想的动力,每天我都会问自己:“如果达尼洛都能加盟皇马,我也可以啊!”(Danilo is the reason why i hold on to my dream. I ask myself everyday: "If Danilo could reach RM, why not me?)
ForgetHype(秘鲁球迷):感觉有那么一刻,齐达内都准备我行我上了。(For a second it looked like Zidane had enough of this shit and was gonna sub himself in.)
Harshit_khanna(皇马球迷):“比赛要是输了,你们一人吃我一记头槌!”("If we lose, I'll headbutt the hell out of you...")
cieldarko(皇马球迷):C罗不在,贝尔当家!(Bale needed to show up today in Cristiano's absence and he did)
protectmeorlose(皇马球迷):说到让二追三,皇马真不是针对谁,在座的各位都是……(Seems like we’ve been very good at coming back from being 2 goals down)
kennyfiesta(皇马球迷):谢谢狼堡的训练!(Thank you Wolfsburg for the training)
上一篇: 喝彩!懂球帝本周国际赛事MVP提名揭晓
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