Zdk2013(美国球迷):梅西都能助攻一棵树了,“哥们站那儿别动就行,我爆射你的头弹进球门”。(Messi could assist a tree. "Just stand there m8 and I'll smash it off your head into the goal")
ftdRED(曼联球迷):你是指助攻费莱尼吗?(You mean Fellaini?)
Rooonaldooo99(未知主队球迷):梅西:点球太容易了。(Penalties are too easy -Messi)
cvelz(皇社球迷):感觉梅西还犹豫了一下“要不要给内马尔送个助攻”?后来发现没角度了,得,我自己来吧。(he hesitated like "should I pass this ball to Neymar" and then when he couldn't find the angle, he was like fuck it, let me shoot.)
3V-Coryn(曼联球迷):想想吧,如果是阿扎尔进了这样的球,肯定各种上头条,但对于梅西来说,这只是每周任务罢了。(Pretend Hazard scored this goal. The papers would be full of it. For Messi this is just daily stuff, he does this week in week out.)
cahasens(巴萨球迷):讲道理,阿扎尔现在只要进球就能上头条了。(To be honest, Hazard scoring any goal would be impressive at the moment)
DTGG(阿森纳球迷):下周欧冠,愿上帝保佑我们。(May god help us next week.)
Duke--Nuhem(摩洛哥球迷):可是……上帝在巴萨踢球啊。(See.. This is the thing.. God plays for Barcelona.)
Shady_maniac(巴萨球迷):德赫亚真是曼联的最后一块遮羞布。(De gea was the only thing stopping a full rout)
TheLarryMullenBand(曼联球迷):老生常谈。(As usual.)
unusuallylethargic(利物浦球迷):全场最佳:皇马传真机。(MOTM: Madrid's fax machine)
Deer-In-A-Headlock(利物浦球迷):都tm赖皇马,今年夏天赶紧把德赫亚买走吧。(I hate Real Madrid for that. Please buy De Gea this summer.)
Nevlik(多特球迷):我天,要是利物浦能和多特会师决赛,那就太6了!利物浦牛逼,克洛普万岁!(Dortmund vs Liverpool finals... the dream is alive! Fuck yes! Cheers Liverpool, cheers Kloppo!)
Beepboop92(曼联球迷):费莱尼这种人还能在曼联踢球,我也是大写的懵逼。(still blows my mind that Fellaini plays for Manchester United)
fobaso(未知主队球迷):厄齐尔在这种队里真是暴殄天物。(Özils talent is wasted in this team.)
TooMuchBanter(阿森纳球迷):失败专家?不,温格更专业的地方在于一次又一次的让球迷们失望。(A specialist in failure? No, Wenger is more than a specialist in letting fans down, again and again.)
Malmajid97(阿森纳球迷):《那些年,温格输球之后的辩解》:0-2输给巴萨之后,“我们还有机会”;输给斯旺西和曼联之后,“我们仍然有争冠希望”;输给沃特福德之后,“我不觉得我们应该输球”。CTMD。(Let’s see what Wenger have said: We might have a chance at the Champions League (0-2) -> Well we still have the league (lost to Swansea and ManU) -> I don’t think that we deserved to lose (1-2 to Watford). Fuck off.)
shriek(阿森纳球迷):“我们还有希望争四”,别忘了这句。(I still have hope for top 4. Don’t forget THIS)
Tangelooo(巴萨球迷):争四如争冠!(Top 4 is just like a trophy!)
UncleWittgenstein(阿森纳球迷):赢得联赛冠军需要几步?只需要一(yi)步(bu)就够了。(How to win a league title in Europe: Step 1: Have Zlatan Ibrahimovic)
nnerba(未知主队球迷):坏处就是别想拿欧冠了。(cons: Forget about the CL)
DONT_YOU_DARE(皇马球迷):也有好处,伊布离队之后的那个赛季,很可能就拿欧冠了。(Pros: once Zlatan leaves, the chances of the team he left will almost always win the CL.)
Epzi(雷恩球迷):来讲个有意思的数据:本赛季,巴黎在特鲁瓦主场打进的球……比特鲁瓦自己在主场打进的联赛进球还多。(Incredible stat : PSG has scored more goals in Troyes stadium in Ligue 1 this season than... Troyes.)
RedditTooAddictive(未知主队球迷):Gg reported(……欢声笑语中打出gg。)
上一篇: 你是裁判309:能哔哔的尽量不踢球
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