HonestPromo(未知主队球迷):今夜,我们都是莱斯特人!这简直就是实况大师联赛的现实版啊!(PES 2016 MyClub in real life lol. I’d like to be a Leicester fan from now.)
Gunnerhenrylol(阿森纳球迷):情人节刚被女票甩了…但我现在真的比以前更高潮~(I just broke up with my girlfriend today but the game gives me more orgasm than her.)
clarkent4083(阿森纳球迷):我的菊花从来没有像今天这样爽过。(My ass has never been this clenched in my life.)
awesomeness-yeah(阿森纳球迷):本来计划看完球打灰机,现在看来没必要啦~(Planned a post match wank. Don't need that now.)
Djswagyoyo(未知主队球迷):黑贝去年受了伤,现在康复回归,出场10分钟就进了球,比阿扎尔联赛进 球都多哦!(Welbeck got injured an year ago. He came back for 10 minutes. Still has more goals than Hazard in league this season.)
Lafekytin(切尔西球迷):咳咳,阿扎尔本赛季还有两次助攻呢…助攻,懂吗?你家维尔贝克有助攻吗?(Hazard has 2 assists okay 2 ASSISTS how many does Welbeck have?)
Dancingbear(阿斯维拉球迷):我真搞不懂渣叔的战术啊,每场比赛既可能会赢个6-0,也可能会0-2输球。(I just can’t figure out Klopp’s strategy, it seems that every game we can win by 6-0 or lose by 0-2.)
Catbullshut(利物浦球迷): 你们啊,不要总想着把他批判一番。在多特的时候,西方什么球队他没打过?西班牙的皇马,比你们维拉不知高到哪里去了,渣叔和他谈笑风生!(Don’t be so superficial. Reviewing his experience in Dortmund you may not say that if you watch the game against Real Madrid in semi-final of UCL, far more brilliant than this one.)
Haulwardom(利物浦球迷):说实话,我感觉球队的进攻线还是不行,至少该需要个特谢拉。(Honestly I still think the offensive line has to be strengthened and a Teixeira is needed.)
Blueisthecolour212(切尔西球迷):想从中国再把特谢拉买回来?别痴心妄想了。另外,别忘了先看管好你们的库鸟。(Forget that, LFC doesn’t have capital advantages over China and be sure to keep Coutinho safe by the way.)
Pedantic(巴萨球迷):恩,这是典型的巴萨式胜利——漫天飞翔的上半场+无与伦比的下半场。(It’s a typical win of Barca style for a f**king shit on the first half but a fantastic show after the break.)
Nurilio87 (未知主队球迷):如果让曼联来罚那粒点球的话,鲁队长把球传给马夏尔,小马再传给卡里克,接着再给斯莫林…到最后传着传着就传到德赫亚手里了…(If United tried that penalty, Rooney would pass to Martial, who'd then pass it to Carrick, then on to Smalling and back to De Gea.)
Slasher7 (奥林匹亚科斯球迷):我真不是开玩笑,现在我已经感谢阿森纳把我们从欧冠小组赛淘汰了…现在只能希望MSN对你们温柔一点了…(100% no joke, thank you Arsenal for knocking us out of the Champions League. May MSN have mercy upon your soul.)
BanterPerDay(阿森纳球迷):看见巴萨我不怕不怕啦,黑贝会绝杀,不怕不怕不怕啦~(That's cute since we have Danny Welbeck.)
kal109754(巴萨球迷):我还是更喜欢2010年5-0皇马的那场比赛,穆里尼奥的球队那个赛季表现很好,却还是被我们打败了,那是真正的大师级足球。(I'm still partial to the 5-0 against Real back in 2010. Mourinho's Real had started out the season great, and we just slaughter them. It was a footballing masterpiece.)
YoSoyMilkChocolate (巴萨球迷) :我认为本赛季的4-0更有味道~(I think the 4-0 at Bernabeu was slightly more satisfying)
BarcelonaBoobr(巴萨球迷):咳咳,对我来说还是当年客场的6-2最好,简直像做梦。(Eh…To me the 6-2 will always be the most monumental El Clasico ever, so unexpected. )
RealMadridDONTYOUDARE(皇马球迷):我去年买了个贝尔!我真不该来这里,你们这群禽兽!(WTF…I chose to read the wrong set of comments today.)
Sandwichroast(皇马球迷):在贝尼特斯时期,我们也能打出大比分的比赛,但这都是对阵弱旅时完成的,打强队却总是疲软。此次面对毕尔巴鄂依然能有如此好的状态,球队未来大有期望。(In Rafa’s time we do also have wins like this but those are all faced with weak teams and we acted awfully against tough opponents, this match gives us hope.)
Alwaysrealmadrid(皇马球迷):光头的教练,运气通常都不会太差。(A bald coach, a good match.)
Gurneytech(曼城球迷):瓜迪奥拉觉得很赞,另外曼联要不考虑考虑让韦伯带几天?(Pep would agree with that and Howard Webb may be suitable to replace LVG.)
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