

2017/10/15 12:37:18 sports8.net 互联网




vearz(富勒姆球迷):佩工曾经分别被穆里尼奥和瓜迪奥拉接任……真是不走运啊。(In his two big jobs he's been replaced by Mourinho and Guardiola - that's pretty unlucky.)

AhAnotherOne(中立球迷):教练界的穆雷。(The Andy Murray of football management.)

CircusCarnie(埃弗顿球迷):这也算是路人皆知的秘密。难道还有人觉得瓜帅不一定去曼城吗?(Worst kept secret in football finally out. Seriously, is there anyone that didn't think this was already the case?)

TWPD(曼联球迷):不得不说这样的曼联球迷还真不少……(A surprisingly high number of optimists on r/reddevils, actually)

Gobrien31(伯恩利球迷):城迷们现在肯定非常兴奋,但是很遗憾,瓜和佩工不可兼得。佩工是位好教练。(This is obviously exciting if you're a City fan, but it'll be a shame to see Pellegrini leave the PL. He's a top manager.)

TheRationalMan(利物浦球迷):就算佩工带队拿了三冠王,他也得在赛季末离开。真的很难想象他的感受。(Even if Pelligrini wins the treble, he will still be replaced. I can't imagine how he must be feeling about this whole situation.)

EternalSunshine91(多特球迷):这也不是瓜瓜第一次接任三冠王教练了。(Won't be the first time Pep replaces a treble winning manager.)

zombiejh(不莱梅球迷):穆鸟能不能快点加盟曼联?就能看到两人的史诗对决了。(Can Mourinho sign with United now? That would be epic.)

unusuallylethargic(利物浦球迷):急啥?我看范加尔人见人爱啊。(What's the rush? I think everybody's happy with lvg)


itsChopsticks(尤文球迷):所谓“意甲最强防守”被米兰和尤文都灌了三个。这个feel倍儿爽("BEST DEFENSE IN THE LEAGUE" losing 3-0 to both Juve and Milan. i fucking love it)

encoreAC(米兰球迷):卧槽,库茨卡这是梅西附体啊。(Holy shit, Kucka turned into Messi for a second there.)

basriwizz(曼城球迷):79分钟上场,80分钟领牌,毕竟巴神。(79' - Balotelli gets subbed in 80' - Balotelli gets booked)

improb(米兰球迷):离欧冠区还有6分!我们回来了!(6 points off of the Champions League places lads! The hype is back!)

encoreAC(米兰球迷):本田过人成功了!简直不敢相信我的狗眼。(Wow Honda beat someone 1 vs 1. Just can’t believe it)

shikharm(切尔西球迷):我敢说尤文球迷绝对比米兰球迷更嗨。(I swear juve fans look more excited than the Milan fans)


tuai-(马竞球迷):亏我还一直在试图说服我身边的人,告诉他们马竞踢球并不脏。然后这帮混球就这么对我,真是谢谢你们了。(Here I am, trying to convince the world that Atleti aren't dirty players. And here they are, being dirty assholes when the whole world is watching. Great, thanks.)

TDT_Jshot(皇马球迷):让我想起了这赛季马德里德比,魔笛被群殴的场景。(Kinda like the game vs Madrid in the Calderon when Modric got continously choppped.)

Trestigrestristes(巴萨球迷):这可比西班牙人温柔多了啊,踢梅西那脚除外。(I'll take this over espanyol any day. Except for that tackle on messi.)

leonidaus(巴萨球迷):戈丁的铲球太狠了,不过苏牙这一跳好似鲤鱼跃龙门啊哈哈。(LOL BAD CHALLENGE BUT SUAREZ FLYIN LIKE A SALMON UPRIVER)

HoboChique(西班牙球迷):戈丁吃了红牌才把图兰换上场?恩里克真是机智。(Subbing on Arda after Godin is red carded? Lucho has no chill.)

TDT_Jshot(皇马球迷):J罗本场比赛完成了折射破门和折射助攻。(James with deflected goal and assist.)

Oil_Changes(切尔西球迷):街球巨星J罗。(FIFA Street starring James)

GrayFawkes(巴萨球迷):说实话,相比于皇马,这赛季我更讨厌西班牙人。所以皇马要是能把他们踢降级了我也可以接受~(Too be quite honest this season has lead me to hating Espanyol more than Madrid. So if this leads to their regalation I'm ok with it.)

tietherope(巴萨球迷):想去做个三明治,但是照这个速度我得错过两个进球。(I want to make a sandwich but I'll miss two goals at this rate.)


Sagacious(热刺球迷):我觉得切尔西应该立即把这赛季剩下的全部比赛都归入特里的告别赛里,这样就可以抛弃竞技因素了。(I think Chelsea should commit the remainder of the season to Terry's goodbye tour; abandoning the competitive element in the process.)

Mbrw12(英格兰球迷):这不是早就开始了吗!(They already started that)

Shake_n_bake90(纽卡球迷):这下阿什利科尔和特里要在洛杉矶团聚了,美国人要保护好你们的老婆啊。(Ashley Cole and Terry hitting up LA. The ultimate lads on tour. Lock up yo wives Americans.)

rjtwe(水晶宫球迷):把06英格兰国家队全都聚集过来,这就是美职联的梦想。(Get the whole '06 England team in the same MLS team. That's the dream)

tastycakeman(切尔西球迷):这赛季的切尔西演绎了“让球迷失望的100种方法”。(This season is "how many ways can this club disappoint me".)

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上一篇:  经纪人:图雷夏天会离队;这跟瓜帅喜不喜欢他无关

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