Tms12345(阿森纳球迷):曼联过去七场比赛的战绩:平平平负负负负。哎哟我都没眼看了。(DDDLLLL that is embarrassing)
Thesolly180(利物浦球迷):可能他们觉得每场都是0-0太无聊了。(They were sick of the boring 0-0s to be fair)
minusSeven(阿森纳球迷): 曼联为什么输了?因为他们的后卫又小,又瞎,又年轻。(Why did Man u lost today? Because their defenders were blind, young and smalling.)
Rashiiddd(无主队球迷):范佩西真该教教德佩什么才是真正的鱼跃冲顶。(RvP could show him how to do those properly.)
LiptonBlackTea(利物浦球迷):此时此刻,在遥远的苏格兰,莫耶斯的嘴角划过了一丝不易察觉的微笑。(Somewhere in Scotland there is a man called David Moyes and he has a smirk on his face)
redditmiscer(曼联球迷):所以…我们现在是新切尔西了?(So... Are we the new Chelsea ??)
Ketamine(德国球迷):英格兰国家摆烂德比,周一见!(Tune in on Monday to find out!)
bloo2004(曼联球迷):本赛季,利物浦是唯一一支零封莱斯特城的球队。(Liverpool is the only team to have gotten a clean sheet against Leicester this season in all competitions.)
MundoOnly(利物浦球迷):卧槽感觉我们要夺冠了!(WERE GONNA WIN THE LEAGUE)
pythongooner(阿森纳球迷):本特克这想啥呢!(Holy shit Benteke.)
Crusaruis28(利物浦球迷):当时我就想:这球停的真不错,是本特克的水平,这球肯定有了…再带一脚…然后我就懵逼了。(I was thinking, "Oh first time touch, a player of his calibre, 100% goal" YAY...Ok, second touch... WOW)
Nimblee(阿森纳球迷):喝水哥的缺席太致命了,莱斯特城的中场完全失控。(The absence of Drinkwater really shows. Leicester had virtually no midfield control.)
Suneoc(利物浦球迷):原来莱斯特城输球是因为缺水啊( ⊙ o ⊙ )( The dehydration cost Leicester the victory.)
WandererAboveFog(阿森纳球迷):莱斯特:嘿!你的榜首--阿森纳:不,是你的榜首!(ayy Leicester we got u homie.)
berkeguzelaydin(加拉塔萨雷球迷):致各位彩民:珍爱生命,远离英超!(PSA: Don't bet on premier leauge games for your own sanity)
haf12(热刺球迷):这裁判真是把比赛毁了,阿森纳好好的0-2输球变成了0-4输球。啊,真是太不幸了。噫(The refs really screwed Arsenal. Game should've been 2-0 instead of 4-0. They should've lost the game instead they lost it. How unfortunate. /s)
GoldenLegs(无主队球迷):错失登顶良机,今年阿森纳又是这样。(Typical Arsenal this year. Have a chance to go top of the table? Nah.)
Spursfan14-(热刺球迷):仅仅是今年吗?哈哈。(This year? Lol)
DJBJ(阿森纳球迷):妈的,根本无力反驳。(So true it hurts)
toblu(阿森纳球迷):就当圣诞节送温暖了吧。(It's Christmas, after all.)
Joshwright111(沃特福德球迷):切尔西就不能再烂几天吗?(Couldn't Chelsea have stayed shit for longer so we could've won?)
scarecrowslayer(惠灵顿球迷):不仅赢不了切尔西,还和曼联同分(积分榜),沃特福德踢得真臭。(Can't beat Chelsea, level with United. Hard times in Watford.)
CoolHandHazard(切尔西球迷):身为一支排15名的队伍,战平第6,这结果也不坏嘛。(We're in 15th place. Drawing with the number 6 team ain't bad)
CoolstorySteve(球迷):好,滑倒了,道理我都懂。可是特么的为什么是奥斯卡去罚点球!(I know he slipped and it doesn't happen often but why the fuck is Oscar the penalty taker in the first place?)
Armandhino(切尔西球迷):嘿,至少我们没输~(Hey, at least we didn't lose ;))
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