TDT_Jshot(皇马球迷):世界上有三样东西是永恒的:死亡、税收、切尔西踢大巴黎。(Death, taxes, and Chelsea vs PSG.)
FlamingBearAttack(林菲尔德球迷):还有阿森纳踢巴萨。(And Arsenal and Barcelona.)
Chicago-Gooner(阿森纳球迷):过去八年我们和巴萨踢过三次,和拜仁踢过三次。我真是曰了狗了(We've played Bayern and Barca three times each the past eight years. Ridiculous)
Sulphur32(阿森纳球迷):嗯,到时候梅西单场打进20球,贝莱林直接被普约尔绑架。(Messi's going to score 20 goals against us and Puyol will kidnap Bellerin from the hotel in Barcelona)
InTheMiddleGiroud(阿森纳球迷):欧足联,我***。(FUCK YOU, UEFA.)
Marco8_goal(尤文球迷):欧足联,我***。(FUCK YOU, UEFA.)
Matehzoar(赫尔城球迷): 说进那么多球不尊重对手的我也是醉了。那你想让他们干嘛?我想领先后在后场倒脚才是更不尊重对手的做法吧。(Really pisses me off when people go on about them disrespecting them by scoring more. What do you want them to do? I think it's more disrespectful for them to just piss about with the ball in their own half without taking them seriously.)
Canucksitan(卢旺达球迷):皇马一场比赛进的球和曼联过去11场比赛进的球一样多。(RealMadrid have scored as many goals today as Manchester United have in their last 11 games.)
SuperJazba(曼联球迷):看场皇马的比赛都要受伤害……(No thread is safe)
Migraine_boy(曼联球迷):15次射正,10个进球。你在逗我?(15 shots on target, 10 goals. Insane.)
Mink_man(曼联球迷):范加尔做梦都达不到。(LVGs wet dream.)
Apparex1234(曼联球迷):可是皇马的控球率只有51%啊,这要是放在曼联,范大厨就要杀人了。(What? No way!!! Madrid had 51% possession. LvG will murder the whole team if that happens.)
HippoBigga(巴萨球迷):希望贝大师通过这场比赛一战封神,然后和皇马续约十年!(Hopefully this match convinces Flo that Rafa is the right man for the job and offers him a 10-year contract !)
J_reids92(阿森纳球迷):我这是在看板球比赛吗……(Christ, it's a bloody cricket score.)
Sheikh_and_Bake(斯旺西球迷):切尔西花了6年时间请回穆帅,穆帅用1年带领切尔西复苏,用1年拿到双冠王,之后只过了15场比赛就被炒了。还有人说我们的董事会脑残吗?(斯旺西不久前炒掉了主教练蒙克)(They spent 6 years trying to bring him back, enjoyed 1 season of improvement, 1 double-winning season, and 15 bad games before firing him. And people said our board jumped the gun.)
Zangola(莱斯特城球迷):莱斯特城-主帅终结者。(Leicester 'Manager Killers' City)
Jackw_(莱斯特城球迷):讽刺的是十年前,正是穆帅接手了从蓝军下课的拉涅利。这真是毅种循环。(ironic that Ranieri was sacked at Chelsea in 2004 only to have Jose come in as his replacement? The circle is complete)
Din35h(阿森纳球迷):切尔西炒掉了俱乐部历史上最伟大的主教练。第二次。(Chelsea's greatest manager ever and they've sacked him TWICE)
zazzlekdazzle(荷兰球迷):佩刀离开巴萨就是为了来这里。唉。(Pedro left Barcelona for this, oy vey.)
cmsi89(切尔西球迷):希望穆帅能去曼联拿下三冠王,好好地打阿布的脸。(Can't wait til he goes to United and wins the Treble)
cuentanueva(河床球迷):我们比皇马强!(WE ARE BETTER THAN REAL MADRID!)
BRUNO-GOMEZ(巴萨球迷):维尔马伦,十分钟1冠,传奇!(Vermaelen, another 10 minutes another trophy, LEGEND!)
McButtTasty(圣诞老人球迷):穆尼尔真特么神烦。(Munir just lives to annoy me)
leotipler(巴萨球迷):真是没用…总是在做无用的回传…太让人失望了(hes so useless.. He gets into good positions and plays a safe backpass..so disappointing..)
-OptimusPrimate(斯图加特球迷):听起来像是名曼联球员啊。(Sounds like he belongs at United)
adamdabadboy(巴萨球迷):天哪,(邹正的)伤太可怕了。(Fuck that injury was disgusting)
kawaii-grill(拜仁球迷):是啊太吓人了,希望他尽快康复。(it looked horrible, hope he gets well soon :/)
yesungxiao(一位华人皇马球迷):谢谢。(xie xie.)
上一篇: 布拉特:有人背叛了我;中国足协和FIFA的关系不错
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