SKY SPORTS 2节目表    【CC体育吧】 【手机/PAD观看】

00:30PL: Stoke v Southampton Hlts 13:30PL: Newcastle v Liverpool Hlts
01:00PL: West Brom v Watford Hlts 14:00PL: Huddersfield v Spurs Hlts
01:30PL: Bournemouth v Leicester Hlts 14:30PL: Man Utd v Crystal Palace Hlts
02:00PL: Stoke v Southampton Hlts 15:00PL: Everton v Burnley Hlts
02:30PL: Huddersfield v Spurs Hlts 15:30PL: Newcastle v Liverpool Hlts
03:00PL: Man Utd v Crystal Palace Hlts 16:00PL: West Ham v Swansea Hlts
03:30PL: Everton v Burnley Hlts 16:30PL: West Brom v Watford Hlts
04:00PL: Newcastle v Liverpool Hlts 17:00Soccer A.M - The Best Bits
04:30PL: West Ham v Swansea Hlts 17:30PL: Bournemouth v Leicester Hlts
05:00PL: West Brom v Watford Hlts 18:00PL: Stoke v Southampton Hlts
05:30PL: Bournemouth v Leicester Hlts 18:30PL: Everton v Burnley Hlts
06:00PL: Huddersfield v Spurs Hlts 19:00PL: Newcastle v Liverpool Hlts
06:30PL: Man Utd v Crystal Palace Hlts 19:30PL: Huddersfield v Spurs Hlts
07:00PL: West Ham v Swansea Hlts 20:00PL: Man Utd v Crystal Palace Hlts
07:30Goals On Sunday 20:30PL: Everton v Burnley Hlts
09:00PL: West Brom v Watford Hlts 21:00PL: Newcastle v Liverpool Hlts
09:30PL: Bournemouth v Leicester Hlts 21:30PL: West Ham v Swansea Hlts
10:00Premier League Daily 22:00The Debate - Live
11:00Goals On Sunday 23:00PL Legends: David Ginola
12:00The Next Jamie Vardy 
13:00PL: Everton v Burnley Hlts 
13:30PL: Newcastle v Liverpool Hlts 
00:00PL: Newcastle v Liverpool Hlts 13:00PL: Man Utd v Crystal Palace Hlts
00:30PL: Huddersfield v Spurs Hlts 13:30PL: Everton v Burnley Hlts
01:00The Debate 14:00PL: Newcastle v Liverpool Hlts
02:00Soccer A.M - The Best Bits 14:30PL: West Ham v Swansea Hlts
02:30PL: Stoke v Southampton Hlts 15:00PL: West Brom v Watford Hlts
03:00PL: Huddersfield v Spurs Hlts 15:30PL: Stoke v Southampton Hlts
03:30The Debate 16:00PL: Everton v Burnley Hlts
04:30PL: Man Utd v Crystal Palace Hlts 16:30PL: Newcastle v Liverpool Hlts
05:00PL: Everton v Burnley Hlts 17:00PL: Huddersfield v Spurs Hlts
05:30PL: Newcastle v Liverpool Hlts 17:30PL: Man Utd v Crystal Palace Hlts
06:00Soccer A.M - The Best Bits 18:00PL: Everton v Burnley Hlts
06:30PL: Huddersfield v Spurs Hlts 18:30PL: Newcastle v Liverpool Hlts
07:00PL: Man Utd v Crystal Palace Hlts 19:00PL: Huddersfield v Spurs Hlts
07:30PL: West Ham v Swansea Hlts 19:30Premier League Review
08:00PL: West Brom v Watford Hlts 20:30One2Eleven - Ryan Giggs
08:30PL: Bournemouth v Leicester Hlts 20:45One2Eleven - Emmanuel Petit
09:00PL: Stoke v Southampton Hlts 21:00Football Years 90/91
09:30PL: Everton v Burnley Hlts 21:30Football Years: 91/92
10:00Premier League Daily 22:00The Debate - Live
11:00The Debate 
12:00PL: West Brom v Watford Hlts 
12:30PL: Bournemouth v Leicester Hlts 
13:00PL: Man Utd v Crystal Palace Hlts 
00:00Premier League Review 13:00PL Legends: Schmeichel
01:00The Debate 13:30PL Legends: Shearer
02:00Football Years: 94/95 14:00PL Legends: Neville
02:30Football Years 95/96 14:30PL Legends: Campbell
03:00The Debate 15:00Premier League Review
04:00Football Years 90/91 16:00Best PL Goals 92/93
04:30Football Years: 91/92 17:00Best PL Goals 93/94
05:00Football Years 92/93 18:00Best PL Goals 94/95
05:30Football Years: 93/94 19:00One2Eleven - James Collins
06:00PL Legends: Schmeichel 19:15One2Eleven - Hector Bellerin
06:30PL Legends: Shearer 19:30Premier League World
07:00PL Legends: Neville 20:00PL Greatest: Man Utd v Man City 11
07:30PL Legends: Campbell 20:15PL Greatest:Man Utd v Arsenal 2001
08:00The Debate 20:30One2Eleven - Wayne Hennessey
09:00PL Legends: Neville 20:45One2Eleven - Ruben Baraja
09:30PL Legends: Robbie Fowler 21:00PL Greatest:LPool v NCastle 1996
10:00Premier League Daily 21:15PL Greatest:NCastle v Arsenal 11
11:00The Debate 21:30Premier League World
12:00PL Greatest: Man Utd v Man City 11 22:00The Debate - Live
12:15PL Greatest:Man Utd v Arsenal 2001 23:00Premier League World
12:30PL Greatest:LPool v NCastle 1996 
12:45PL Greatest:NCastle v Arsenal 11 
13:00PL Legends: Schmeichel 
00:00Premier League World 13:30PL Greatest: Man Utd v LPool 1992
00:30PL Greatest: Man Utd v Man City 11 13:45PL Greatest:Chelsea v Wigan 2010
00:45PL Greatest:Man Utd v Arsenal 2001 14:00PL Greatest:M. City v M.Utd 2013
01:00The Debate 14:15PL Greatest: Chelsea v Arsenal 97
02:00Premier League World 14:30PL Greatest: West Ham v Spurs 2007
02:30PL Greatest: Man Utd v Man City 11 14:45PL Greatest:Man Utd v Chelsea 2000
02:45PL Greatest:Man Utd v Arsenal 2001 15:00PL Greatest:Chelsea v Man Utd 1999
03:00The Debate 15:15PL Greatest:BHam v A.Villa 2002
04:00Best PL Goals 92/93 15:30Premier League World
05:00Premier League World 16:00PL Greatest: W. Ham v Man Utd 2011
05:30PL Greatest: Man Utd v Man City 11 16:15PL Greatest:Chelsea v Arsenal 2011
05:45PL Greatest:Man Utd v Arsenal 2001 16:30PL Greatest:Norwich v MBoro 05
06:00Best PL Goals 92/93 16:45PL Greatest: Man Utd v Man City 11
07:00Premier League World 17:00Premier League Daily
07:30PL Greatest:Man Utd v Arsenal 2001 18:00PL Greatest:NCastle v Arsenal 11
07:45PL Greatest:LPool v NCastle 1996 18:15PL Greatest:Man Utd v Chelsea 2000
08:00The Debate 18:30PL Great Games:Spurs v Chelsea 08
09:00PL Greatest: Man Utd v LPool 1992 18:45PL Greatest:Chelsea v Man Utd 1999
09:15PL Greatest:Lpool v Man Utd 1994 19:00Sky Sports News Specials 2017
09:30PL Greatest: Man Utd v LPool 1992 20:00Sky Sports News Specials 2017
09:45PL Greatest:Chelsea v Wigan 2010 21:00Sky Sports News Specials 2017
10:00Premier League Daily 22:00Best PL Goals 00/01
11:00The Debate 23:00Premier League World
12:30PL Greatest:LPool v NCastle 1996 23:30Best PL Goals 92/93
12:45PL Greatest:NCastle v Arsenal 11 
13:00PL Greatest:LPool v NCastle 1996 
13:15PL Greatest:NCastle v Arsenal 11 
13:30PL Greatest: Man Utd v LPool 1992 
00:00PL Legends: Tony Adams 08:30Football Years: 93/94
00:30Best PL Goals 92/93 09:00PL Greatest: West Ham v Spurs 2007
01:00Premier League World 09:15PL Greatest:Man Utd v Chelsea 2000
01:30One2Eleven - Joe Cole 09:30Premier League World
01:45One2Eleven - Stuart Pearce 10:00Premier League Daily
02:00Premier League World 11:00Football Years 92/93
02:30PL Greatest: Man Utd v Man City 11 11:30Football Years: 93/94
02:45PL Greatest:Man Utd v Arsenal 2001 12:00Best PL Goals 92/93
03:00Premier League World 13:30Best PL Goals 93/94
03:30One2Eleven - Joe Cole 14:30Best PL Goals 94/95
03:45One2Eleven - Stuart Pearce 15:30Best PL Goals 95/96
04:00Best PL Goals 00/01 16:30PL Legends: Schmeichel
05:00One2Eleven - Joe Cole 17:00Premier League World
05:15One2Eleven - Stuart Pearce 17:30Best PL Goals 96/97
05:30PL Greatest: Man Utd v Man City 11 18:30Premier League World
05:45PL Greatest:Man Utd v Arsenal 2001 19:00Sky Sports News Specials 2017
06:00PL Greatest: Man Utd v Man City 11 20:00Sky Sports News Specials 2017
06:15PL Greatest:Man Utd v Arsenal 2001 21:00Sky Sports News Specials 2017
06:30PL Greatest:LPool v NCastle 1996 22:00Best PL Goals 02/03
06:45PL Greatest:NCastle v Arsenal 11 23:00Premier League World
07:00PL 100 Club: Dwight Yorke 
07:30Premier League World 
08:00Football Years 92/93 
08:30Football Years: 93/94 
00:00PL Legends: Neville 11:30One2Eleven - Joe Cole
00:30PL Legends: Robbie Fowler 11:45One2Eleven - Stuart Pearce
01:00Premier League World 12:00Football Countdowns: Transfers
01:30Football Countdowns: Goals 12:30Football Countdowns - Captains
02:00PL Greatest: Man Utd v Man City 11 13:00PL Legends: Campbell
02:15PL Greatest:Man Utd v Arsenal 2001 13:30PL Legends: Pires
02:30PL Greatest:LPool v NCastle 1996 14:00Gillette Soccer Saturday
02:45PL Greatest:NCastle v Arsenal 11 17:30One2Eleven - Wayne Hennessey
03:00Premier League World 17:45One2Eleven - Danny Gabbidon
03:30Football Countdowns: Goals 18:00Football Countdowns: Goals
04:00Best PL Goals 02/03 18:30Football Countdowns: Transfers
05:00Football Countdowns: Goals 19:00Football Countdowns: Entertainers
05:30PL Greatest:LPool v NCastle 1996 19:30Football Countdowns - Captains
05:45PL Greatest:NCastle v Arsenal 11 20:00Football Countdowns: Controversies
06:00Football Years 90/91 20:30Football Countdowns: Coaches
06:30Football Years: 91/92 21:00PL 100 Club: Peter Crouch
07:00Football Years 92/93 21:30PL 100 Club: Emile Heskey
07:30Football Years: 93/94 22:00Football Countdowns: Controversies
08:00PL Legends: Shearer 22:30Football Countdowns: Coaches
08:30PL Legends: Zola 23:00PL Legends: Paul Ince
09:00Didier Drogba: PL 100 Club 
09:30Paul Scholes: PL 100 Club 
10:00Soccer AM 
11:30One2Eleven - Joe Cole 
00:00PL Legends: Jamie Carragher 12:00Football Countdowns: Controversies
00:30PL Legends: David Ginola 12:30Football Countdowns: Coaches
01:00PL Legends: David Seaman 13:00PL Legends: Juninho
01:30PL Legends: Paolo Di Canio 13:30PL Legends: Tony Adams
02:00PL Legends: Andrew Cole 14:00One2Eleven - Mick McCarthy
02:30PL Legends: Jamie Carragher 14:15One2Eleven - Stephen Carr
03:00Football Countdowns: Finals 14:30One2Eleven - Andy Townsend
03:30Football Countdowns: Comebacks 14:45One2Eleven - Ray Houghton
04:00Football Countdowns: Controversies 15:00Sunday Supplement
04:30Football Countdowns: Coaches 16:30Football Countdowns: Transfers
05:00PL Legends: David Ginola 17:00Sky Sports News Specials 2017
05:30PL Legends: Juninho 18:00Sky Sports News Specials 2017
06:00Football Years: 94/95 19:00New: The Next Jamie Vardy
06:30Football Years 95/96 20:00Sky Sports News Specials 2017
07:00Football Years 96/97 21:00The Next Jamie Vardy
07:30Football Years: 97/98 22:00PL 100 Club: Wayne Rooney
08:00PL Legends: Andrew Cole 22:30PL Legends: Shearer
08:30PL Legends: Jamie Carragher 23:00PL Legends: Zola
09:00Sunday Supplement 23:30One2Eleven - Tony Cascarino
10:30Football Years 96/97 
11:00Football Years: 97/98 
11:30PL Legends: Andrew Cole 
12:00Football Countdowns: Controversies 

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