00:15夜倾情 passion night
01:00珠江纪事 pearl river story
01:22英语新闻 guangdong report
01:33娱乐前线 entertainment front
02:06今日关注 focus of today
03:00地方精选 difang jingxuan
03:18生活计仔多 household tips
03:38讲古 speak ancient
04:00万家灯火 lights of guangzhou
04:30外来媳妇本地郎 migrant wives, local husbands
05:16英语新闻 guangdong report
05:26音乐涂鸦乐园 music paradise
05:37娱乐前线 entertainment front
05:57万家灯火 lights of guangzhou
06:25七十二家房客 72 households 剧情
07:15生活调查团 life survey group
07:40地方精选 difang jingxuan
08:00新闻简报 news headlines
08:05万家灯火 lights of guangzhou
08:36娱乐前线 entertainment front
09:00英语新闻 guangdong report
09:14新闻晚高峰 evening news peak
10:00珠江纪事 pearl river story
10:22生活计仔多 household tips
10:42娱乐前线 entertainment front
11:03新闻简报 news headlines
11:10心如铁 xinrutie
12:00新闻简报 news headlines
12:05今日关注 focus of today
13:00新闻简报 news headlines
13:05七十二家房客 72 households 剧情
14:00新闻简报 news headlines
14:05夜倾情 passion night
15:00新闻简报 news headlines
15:02万家灯火 lights of guangzhou
15:30生活调查团 life survey group
15:57dv现场 on the spot
17:12外来媳妇本地郎 migrant wives, local husbands
18:00珠江新闻眼 guangdong news
19:05外来媳妇本地郎 migrant wives, local husbands
20:00万家灯火 lights of guangzhou
20:29娱乐前线 entertainment front
21:00今日关注 focus of today
22:00七十二家房客 72 households 剧情
23:00dv现场 on the spot
51人评分 515人关注